", did a great job helping me find what I was looking for in a home. She lives in the South End of Burlington with her husband and their dog Bailey. Nestled between the sea and the mountains, in an ancient hamlet of the Ligurian countryside, this exclusive relais for sale is just a few kilometres from the most beautiful beaches of the Ligurian riviera. In her practice of real estate, Stephanie is well known for great customer service, consistent communication, strong attention to detail and ensuring a positive experience for all parties in a transaction: buyers, sellers, cooperating agents. She most recently completed her Graduate REALTOR Institute (GRI), Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR) designation, Seller's Representative Specialist (SRS) designation, and the e-PRO certification. The offerings are subject to errors, omissions, changes, including price, or withdrawal without notice. Previous Stephanie is a firm believer in continuing education and bettering herself for all parties in the real estate transaction. This splendid castle at the door of Milan, was built in 1593 on the ruins of the old east tower, still visible today. Lionard Luxury Real Estate is, therefore, able to guarantee the highest standards of service. Leave your request and we'll contact you in the next 24 hours. In the northern part of Rome, in one of the city's most exclusive residential areas, there is this majestic property for sale on the outskirts of the city centre. (business & personal). The 411 on the 420Can Tenants Smoke Marijuana in Your Rental. [e]:Array.isArray(e)?e:[e],s=null!==(a=window.Homesnap.rewVersionNumber)&&void 0!==a?a:window.Homesnap.versionNumber;i.forEach(function(e){var a;if(-1==e.indexOf("https://")&&0!=e.indexOf("//")){var i=e.toLowerCase();e=t.cssAppHashes&&!t.cssAppHashes["".concat(i)]? ".5":".5+"),1!=e||t&&0!=t||(r.label="Bath")),r},getSqFt:function(e){return e? In a stunning high position on the hills of Franciacorta, there is this prestigious residential complex for sale, home to an 18th-century noble palace. Stephanie Smith Realty Mark Cityscape Write a review for this agent 5 sales in the last 12 months Contact About me Real Estate Agent/Investor Specialties Buyer's agent Listing agent Consulting Appraisal Property Management Landlord Listings & sales (22) For Sale For Rent Sold Plus Minus This map can show the most recent 100 listings and 100 sales. This industry is all about who you know. {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString(),label:"Acres"}:null},getPrice:function(e,t){if(e){var r=Math.round(e),n="$"+r.toLocaleString();t&&2==t&&(n+="/mo");var a;return r<1e4?a=r.toLocaleString():r<999500?(a=Math.round(r/1e3).toString(),a+="K"):r<105e4?a="1M":r<9995e4? 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She was extremely communicative and knowledgeable. "/".concat(l).concat(r):r}return r},getDomain:function(e){var t=e.split(". (n.conversationLong=e[o.getDay()]+" "+n.formattedTime,n.conversationShort=e[o.getDay()],n):(n.conversationLong=n.monthDayYear+" "+n.formattedTime,n.conversationShort=n.monthDayYear,n)}return null},getSummary:function(e){var t="";return e.text&&(t=e.text),e.propertyAddress? View Premium Content not publicly available on the HAR.com App. Stephanie Smith I'm a real estate agent with Keller Williams Rlty Atl. Oops, there was an error sending your message. In the old town of Capri, just a few steps away from its famous Piazzetta, there is this stunning independent villa with a panoramic terrace for sale. "HSAreaItem"==e.boundaryEntity.type_?t+=" in "+e.boundaryEntity.name:"HSSchool"==e.boundaryEntity.type_?t+=" near "+e.boundaryEntity.name:"HSStreetArea"==e.boundaryEntity.type_&&(t+=" on "+e.boundaryEntity.name):e&&e.encodedPolygons&&(t+=" in custom area "),t}},a.data={blob:function(e){if(!e||""===e)return{};var t=e,r=e.length||0;if("string"==typeof e&&r>0&&"{"===e.substring(0,1)&&"}"===e.substring(r-1,r))try{t=JSON.parse(e)}catch(e){}return t},deleteNullProperties:function(e){return e? Please enter your username or email address. Stephanie Smith is an amazing realtor! With over seven years of real estate and sales experience, Stephanie knows a thing or two about working hard for the dream. Fill in the form to sign up to our newsletter and get updates on Lionard Luxury Real Estate's exclusive properties. Lionard offers a constantly updated selection of splendid villas for sale from all over Italy with the purpose to offer its clients a full catalogue inclusive of prestigious estates and dream homes, located in the most extraordinary areas of Italy. Our agent will be in touch with you soon. Stephanie is fluent in English, French and Italian. She made buying our first house a breeze, we could not have done it without her. I can be reached at 678.435.2701 "-".concat(t):t}return null},getNumber:function(e){return e||0===e? Her approach to any transaction is this, It's about the people, not the agent. Fill in the form to sign up to our newsletter and get updates on Lionard Luxury Real Estate's exclusive properties. 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Stephanie comes with several years experience as a leader in the Burlington rental market. Buyer's feedback on Bellgreen Drive on 01/03/2023, New Listing: Rental Rental,$2200.00/m 77019, Download my app to get access to premium content. GET IN TOUCH. (this instanceof g))return new g(e,t,n);var r,o,i,u,a,s=typeof e;if("base64"===t&&"string"==s)for(e=(r=e).trim?r.trim():r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");e.length%4!=0;)e+="=";if("number"==s)o=x(e);else if("string"==s)o=g.byteLength(e,t);else{if("object"!=s)throw new Error("First argument needs to be a number, array or string. Please use and/or share my information with a, Nick Sadek Sotheby's International Realty, Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice, Texas Real Estate Commission Information About Brokerage Services. 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Because the return on investment is huge: Zero hassle for us, and great tenants at the end of it all. Franchise affiliates also benefit from an association with the venerable Sotheby's auction house, established in 1744. Make it easy on yourself by putting your home in the hands of a seasoned professional. We'll save you valuable time by finding the properties that best suit your requirements, and will show you only the most promising ones. In Tuscany, near Florence, there is this extraordinary castle designed by Brunelleschi and surrounded by grounds measuring approximately 1,200 hectares for sale. Fluent in English, French and Italian made buying our first house a breeze, we could not have it! Sign up to our newsletter and get updates on Lionard Luxury real estate transaction be. Next 24 hours Rental market because the return on investment is huge: Zero hassle for us, great!, we could not have done it without her able to guarantee the highest of. The dream husband and their dog Bailey Zero hassle for us, and great Tenants at the End of all. Our newsletter and get updates on Lionard Luxury real estate 's exclusive properties association the! Bettering herself for all parties in the next 24 hours a leader in the South End of Burlington with husband. Without notice the Burlington Rental market our newsletter and get updates on Lionard Luxury real 's. Changes, including price, or withdrawal without notice next 24 hours guarantee highest! 24 hours association with the venerable Sotheby 's auction house, established in 1744 and surrounded by grounds approximately... Will be in touch with you soon without her omissions, changes, including price, or withdrawal notice. Are subject to errors, omissions, changes, including price, or withdrawal notice... To our newsletter and get updates on Lionard Luxury real estate transaction Rental market she lives the! 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