Green fruit beetles ( Cotinis mutabilis) are members of the scarab beetle family and are sometimes known as fig beetles or figeater beetles. However, each has several distinct features. There are many DIY traps you can make at home, but the easiest one seems to be using jar traps. The Japanese beetle is well-known for its appetite for leaves which causes quite a lot of damage in orchards and beyond. The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) is an imported beetle distinct from American June bugs. On warm days of late winter and spring, the thumb-sized grubs burrow to the surface where they feed on grass roots and thatch. You can secure the screen using super glue or tape. June bugs often fall prey to a species of female fly that will lay This beetle was twice the size of the Japenese beetles that were also present. There are 6 legs in total. Some communities consume June bugs as a traditional food such as the Bear River community in northwestern Califonia. The content on this site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice, or to replace a relationship with a qualified professional. thanks. Managing Green Fruit Beetles Backyard Gardener, UC Management Guidelines for Fig Beetle on Fig Beetles UCANR, How to get rid figeater beetles naturally, Ways to stop them from eating your figs and keep them away. Fig Beetle Traps. The Figeater is generally found later in the year in August and September, while the Green June Beetle generally flies in July. Eggs are laid by the adults during the summer under pots or just under the soil surface and when the grubs hatch they burrow down and inch or two and spend the winter under the soil. Dozens of them are on the front step every morning, trying to get back onto their feet. The best way to control them is to use a combination of the manual removal method, grub control, natural predators, and homemade beetle traps. If you see beetles on your fig tree, theyre most likely figeaters. Now if you want to rid yourself of these beetles, you can start by irrigating your lawn. Getting rid of the Japanese beetles is not hard. Rather, it is during the larva stage that the June bug becomes an obstacle and pest to farmers since it attacks the roots of vegetation, thus killing it or impeding proper growth. If you buy a net small enough where pets cant get through, but still allows the plant to get sun and water, youre all set. Harvest your fruit ASAP. This will kill the larvae before they ever have a chance to turn into an annoying figeater. As the name implies, June bugs are those buzzing insects flying around us in the summer. The Japanese beetle has an average size of 10-12 mm (0.4 - 0.5 in), and the largest one can reach 15 mm (0.6 in). Adults visit flowers especially hollyhocks as well as ripening fruit. Few different species are commonly called June Dispose of the beetles safely. Unlike the East Coast beetles they are commonly mistaken for (green june beetles, Cotinis nitida, and Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica), fig . They have hard covers on their wings that dont reach the end of their abdomen. June beetle, (genus Phyllophaga), also called May beetle or June bug, genus of nearly 300 species of beetles belonging to the widely distributed plant-eating subfamily Melolonthinae (family Scarabaeidae, order Coleoptera). During warmer days in winter, these grubs will be active. The June bug is an insect but not a true bug it is a beetle. Japanese beetles are multicolored while June beetles are usually a single color of either reddish-brown or black. They dont come out at night unless disturbed, as theyre active during daylight hours (diurnal) pests. You can harvest them from the ground at larva stage or you can catch them when they get attracted to lights in your home. Folks with this bug as their spirit animal also tend to stay close to home, yet they find highly creative jobs that can have an impact worldwide. Of course, they only appear black when seen against the bright sky. The beetle is attracted to the ripened fruit of the fig tree and will lay its eggs in the soft flesh of the fruit. Are butter boards, Easy & Moist Zucchini Bread Recipes Butter with a Side, Cranberry Sauce Recipe: 1 Ultra Simple Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe, 3 Best Indoor And Outdoor House Planters 2021. You can also use row cover, frost cloth, Remay, or window screen. I get several calls about armadillos, and if you want to reduce armadillo traffic, you remove the food (grubs). Help us make our Exposition Park museum, and our L.A. community, a place where everyone can discover nature, science, and culture. You can remove them one at a time. Fig trees can be successfully grown on many types of soil but will grow optimally in deep sandy-clay loams with a pH between 6 and 8. Always use gloves and protective equipment. You can also subscribe without commenting. However, note that more than one species are referred to by the common name June bug.. Dear Editor:Fig beetles look like black bumble bees and act like June bugs as they bump into things in their surroundings, including humans. This will only attract more pests. Its length ranges from 0.5 to 1, which is almost double the length of the largest Japanese beetle. a large genus of New World scarab beetles. These grubs will overwinter in the soil. A bird sings sweetly and the whole scene is so idyllic it is clich. However, they are most active at night and are attracted by lights from residential houses and gardens. Adult fig beetles will eat these food sources: They cant break apart or pierce fruits with tough skins, so they prefer softer fruits. If you maintain piles of mulch, compost, or manure, turn the piles often. In fact, a community in northwestern California considers them a traditional food. I dont mean take out the figs. They prefer apples, berries, grapes, and peaches. It may also work for May & June beetle white grubs. Really clumsy. The terrible thing, however, is that many of these predators also destroy gardens and farms to dig for the larvae of June bugs. For example, the spined soldier bug (Podisus maculiventris) is a beneficial, predatory stink bug (Fig. They feature three different pairs of legs, starting right behind their heads. The larvae (grubs) feed on the grass roots until they are forced below the frost line, only to emerge in the summer as adults. June bugs are larger, but Japanese bugs are more destructive. However, there is little done in Mother Natures community without reason. The Japanese Beetle is much smaller (about 1/2" long, 12.7mm) and has a series of white dots along the outside edges of its body. Also, it makes strange hissing noises when handled. I went to All-American The Figeater is listed on BugGuide as eating ripe fruit and sometimes sap, and the Green June Beetle is listed on BugGuide as eating ripening fruit and leaves. June bugs get their name from their appearance in the summer in porch lights all over the United States. They are just clumsy. They all have slightly different food preferences and appearance. June bugs are good sources of protein for these animals both in adult form or larva stage. Remember that you must consult a specialist before using any of the products or advice on the web. Scarab Beetle. Few different species are commonly called June, bugs and these include: Chafer Beetle Green June Beetle Japanese, June bugs are one of nearly 300 species of Phyllophaga -a very. However, the Japanese beetle is much smaller and easily distinguished . Here are some additional resources which may be useful for you: By now, you should have everything you need to know to get started on exterminating these pests from your fig trees! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. But rather, if you have other fruity plants you dont need, take em out. The larvae will then feed on the fruit, causing it to . Hornet vs Wasp How to Tell the Difference in 3 Easy Steps. Since theyre attracted to overripe or fermenting fruit, you cant really do much unless you get rid of the fruits in the first place. Green fruit beetles are often preyed upon when theyre in the larvae stage. ) Description . Use this a physical barrier and net your fig tree. Interestingly, the smell of dead Japanese beetles can repel live ones. Remove other fruits, plants, or foliage that theyre eating which you dont care for. Are they outstanding bugs or maybe not so good? Japanese beetles and May & June beetles. They are often mistaken for Green June Beetles (Cotinis nitida) and Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica).T he Figeaters are noticeable larger than June and Japanese Beetles, which are mostly confined to Eastern United States. These red-brown beetles commonly appear in the Northern Hemisphere during warm evenings from May to early July, with the heaviest occurrence in June. In this area, the beetle will have segments, or pieces, on its shell called sternites. Furthermore, the gestation period for Japanese beetles is one to two weeks, and then the egg hatches. Our next June bug in line (literally) is the Ten-lined June beetle (Polyphylla decemlineata). They are related to green June beetles ( C. nitida) which are more commonly found in the South Eastern United States. We do our best to help users understand the science behind living beings; however, the content in the articles and on the website is not intended to substitute for consultation with a qualified expert. . You should note that May beetles are more deadly to crops at their larva stage (called white grub) than at their adult stage because at the adult stage they generally do not eat enough to pose serious damage to plants, trees, and vegetation. The June bug and the Japanese beetle are similar in appearance and are both beetles within the Order Coleoptera and Family Scarabaeidae. Swarms of these insects appeared after a heavy rain. However, it would seem June Beetles are considerably lower in the scale of value. We will soon find out where that somewhere is. Fruits that are fermenting or overripe emit a smell that attracts them. June bugs are edible, and people have generally preferred to eat them at the larva stage than as adults because that is when they are tastier. Make a homemade trap by using a 1-gallon milk container and some window screening by funneling the screening into the jugs mouth. They are nocturnal and are attracted to lights at night. Just like the previous tip, you can manually remove grubs or beetles. June Bug And Japanese Beetle Similarities,,,, From brown with green streaks to uniform metallic green. Unlike it's cousin, the green June beetle is mostly harmless in urban landscapes, unless you happen to own a fig or peach tree. But the Goliath of the group is the Green June Beetle . Smithsonian. So, do these June beetles bite not at all. They are helping our city by consuming the rotting fruit in our city, and are completely harmless to us. Adult figeater beetles lay their eggs 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.) Yes, June bugs are edible and you can eat them. You can make one by getting a milk jug or large jar, then adding a cup of molasses, a half cup of hot water, and then shaking the mixture. With the beginning of summer, different types of bugs and beetles appear all around us. The term May or June beetles refers to some 10 different species of beetles in the genus Phyllophaga, that are known to injure turfgrass. These beetles are found in the southwest of the United States and often appear during the summertime. This isnt practical for large figeater populations. Read on, and maybe youll look at these beetles differently, or maybe not. The fact that this sighting was made in East Texas . Homeowners sometimes find hundreds or thousands . They look strikingly similar to and are sometimes confused with June bugs ( Cotinis nitida, seen in the south) and Japanese beetles ( Popillia japonica, native to Japan but brought . Treating bugs, such as dried fruit beetles or spider mites on figs, may require spraying. If you see eggs, you can scrape them off using a paint scraper and then dunking them into rubbing alcohol to kill them. Milky disease is type of bacteria that kills the white grub of the Japanese beetle. As visually striking as these large beetles are, it is the fact that they are literally striking folks around L.A. that has our attention. That's, like, older than the . Its a beautiful summer day in L.A. and I am strolling across a wide open lawn. By interacting with the website and/or our email service, you agree to our disclaimer. There are two different types of white ferrets! From top level menus, use escape to exit the menu. Why do they keep attacking us? Feel free to bookmark this page as you may have to refer back to ion your quest to rid them! Since its arrival, populations have fluctuated from year to year. At their larva stage, May beetles predominantly eat the roots of vegetation and crops. McGuire grew up in the Chicagoland area and he enjoys all things sports and talking politics. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menus. The May beetle is filled with 7 to 18% of fat and about 50% percent of protein, making them rich meals for many predators. June bugs are good sources of protein for these animals both in adult form or larva stage. These grubs also attract birds, armadillos, and skunks. Even when they fly directly into the side of your face when you are walking across an open lawn. Those clingy legs may send a few shivers when they accidentally crash land on us but bite us they do not. However, this isnt the best way since traps only catch about 75% of the bugs. Cotinis nitida is a very large beetle (nearly 1", 90mm long) The image at left is a Japanese Beetle and it has a much different appearance than the June Beetle. Switch to another type of mulch. For our common species, we will not see the hatched eggs become crashing adults for three years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Aphids, Scale Insects, Leafhoppers, and Tree Hoppers, Fungus Beetles and Pleasing Fungus Beetles, Pantry Beetles, Grain Weevils, Spider Beetles, Meal Worms and Carpet Beetles, Crickets, Camel Crickets and Mole Crickets, Sow Bugs, Pill Bugs, Isopods, Lawn Shrimp and Amphipods, Hummingbird Moths, Sphinx Moths or Hawk Moths, Pantry Moths, Clothes Moths, Case-Bearers and Meal Moths, Neuropterans: Lacewings, Antlions, and Owlflies. Japanese beetles eat the roots and leaves of about 300 different types of plants. Their flight this year seems to be somewhat late because we see high numbers of the insect. Furthermore, the different species of June bugs have preferred plants, especially at the adult stage. To make a trap, pour sweet fruit juice into a container with a wide funnel opening. Check garden supply and seed catalogs for the right species, and follow their instrucKons carefully. They also possess white hair on their sides. Clean up your grass. Despite all the differences mentioned above, there are also a good number of similarities between these two insects. Green fruit beetle: Also commonly known as the fig-eater, this June bug, in its adult form, likes to eat figs and other ripe, soft fruits, such as plums . Theyll make their path until they get trapped once theyre inside. They are indeed nuisance and pests to farmers because they can cause great damage to crops and plants. This group includes manybeautiful jeweled beetles, as well as the sacred beetles of ancient Egypt (AKA dung beetles: informative, but rather silly video on the dung beetlehere). They are commonly found between May and September before they start hiding to prepare for winter. Seasons active. . The tree is not generally very cold hardy and new growth in Spring can be damaged by temperatures of -1C (30.2F). They spend their nights feeding on plants and breeding. In the garden, frequent tilling in fall and early spring can bring the grubs to the surface, where they will likely die of exposure or be eaten by birds. The larvae feed on grass, broadleaf weed, tree and shrub . Japanese beetles and June bugs may be classified in the same order and family, but they have different genera and scientific names. Fig Beetle Grub. The best time for control is generally August-October. They tend to feed on grassroots and other root vegetation, and if the garden hoe tends to be a bit heavy-handed on them, Mother Nature will probably look the other way. They are generally between 1/2 and 1 inch long, and may be brown, black or maroon, without any . Carpenter Ants vs Black Ants: Whats the, The 8 Top Buzz-Worthy Books About Beekeeping Available Today, Hornet Nest Vs Wasp Nest: 4 Key Differences. If you have any questions, leave a comment below and Ill get back to you ASAP. Dried fruit beetles or sap beetles include related species such as the Freeman and Confused sap beetle. Some recommended ways to deal with them at their different stages include: No, May beetles are not dangerous to human beings. Fig beetles (Cotinis mutabilis), also known as figeater beetles or green fruit beetles, are a Southwestern species of beetle that careen through the air with the grace of a charging rhinoceros. The adult beetle is - 1 inch long and inch wide. Share it with your fig group. Theyll approach 2 when fully grown. Can you indentify this beetle? Crustaceans (148 . Copy: How Do May Beetles/June Bugs Reproduce Female June bugs make about 50-200 eggs underground in the course of mid-summertime. Their bellies are typically brown or green and have a metallic sheen to them. Some fig growers trap adult beetles using a 1:1 mixture of water and grape, peach or pineapple juice. Dont use soils with high manure content. At the larva stage, they are not picky and eat anything available. Figeater beetles will eat fruit and sap. 5 Early Signs Of Bed Bugs: How Do I Really Know If I Have Bed Bugs? June bugs and Japanese beetles are two different species that belong to the same family. Adult female beetles will lay eggs that hatch into larvae. In fact, generally speaking, and especially for June bugs, people testify that the larva stage is tastier than the adult stage. Also, green June beetles are green to copperish green in color and more pointed toward the anterior (head) end. The June bug is the biggest summer beetle. The sky is bright blue and decorated with scattered clouds. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. You can control both species by physical as well as chemical means. These beetles prefer sandy soils; we have plenty of this in Effingham, making it easier to tunnel. These are why these June bugs may get all mixed up when using common terminology. The June beetles are velveted green with orange or rust stripes. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Continis texana. You can easily use many different natural repellents that deter fig beetles. However, the color may vary among individuals and commonly has bronze overtones on the sides. June bugs come out at night to feed on the foliage of trees and shrubs. These eggs hatch into larvae where they stay in the soil. Updated July 21, 2017. They belong to the Scarabaeidae family of beetles and carry the scientific name Cotinis Nitida. Hace un mes, en la montaa aqui en Campisa, una especie de gigantesco "moscardon" volo alrededor mio, hasta que se poso en la tierra. Adults visit flowers especially hollyhocks as well as ripening fruit. "Home Gardener's Problem Solver"; Denny Schrock; 2004. The scientific name of June bugs or May beetles is Phyllophaga sp. They occasionally form swarms of great size and buzz loudly. This means that the largest June bug is almost two times bigger than the largest Japanese beetle. After all, you grew the fruits for yourself, not for the beetles, right? If fig beetles are causing problems in your lawn, maintaining healthy, thick turf is the best way to prevent damage by figeater beetles. Begin by mincing four cloves of garlic and marinating it overnight in a tablespoon of mineral oil. I may be able to help you out! June bugs are beetles, and beetles rock. Dont do this. The sky is bright blue and decorated with scattered clouds. She specializes in conservation biology, biodiversity, insect ecology, and trees. They also devour flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Dear Kelvin, Both bugs are scarab beetles, but figeaters and green June bugs belong to the subfamily Cetoniinae while the traditional June . Have some feedback for us? On the other hand, the Japanese beetle is sometimes mislabeled as a "June bug" based on similar looks and the same . You may resort to chemicals, such as Neem organic insecticide, which is quite effective in controlling adult Japanese beetles. Although they lay more eggs, they cause less damage. From this, it is very clear that June bugs may not be the best friends of farmers and gardeners. By Greg McGuire. Diet of adults. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menus. Alternatively, if you know the exact locations where the larvae can be found, consider exposing them to predators such. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can do it physically or chemically. A female Japanese beetle will lay anywhere between 40-60 eggs per season. Texas is included in the range of the western Figeater, Cotinis mutabilis, as well as the eastern Green June Beetle, Cotinis nitida. I cant remove it!. How to Get Rid of Fig Beetles Naturally (Protect Your Fig Trees! The most obvious difference between a June bug and a Japanese beetle is in their size. Their larvae live underground, eating degrading organic matter and plant roots making them unpopular with gardeners as they are a lawn pest. It also has a width of about 0.5, which makes it highly conspicuous. Beetle Ten-Lined June Beetle. June Bug vs Japanese Beetle. It's the adult fig beetles that just love the ripe fruit. JUNE BUG FACTS & HABITS. It belongs to the subfamily Cetoniinae, comprising a group of beetles commonly called flower chafers since many of them feed on pollen, nectar, or petals. The best approach would be to practice good pest management techniques and keep your yard clean. The heavy-bodied June beetles vary from 12 to 25 . With almost a million known species, insects are the most considerable class of creatures on Earth. One very interesting similarity between June bugs and Japanese beetles is that they are both edible to human beings. The June bug however comes in several species, each with its own preference and features. The Japanese Beetle is the smallest of the three types of insect and is 8-11mm or approximately 0.3-0.4 inches long. Read on for more information about the two insects, their diet, destructiveness, and means to control them. thanks. bugs die after becoming exposed to light for too long. bugs die after becoming exposed to light for too long. Make a funnel shape out of the screening. They also have a small hair from their body. The usually green beetle may also be blue or purple, or even have orange-red coloring. How do you recognize a May beetle and what separates it from a June bug? If you apply a 1-2 tablespoon of lemon dish detergent mixed in 1 gallon of water over a 1 square foot area, this will cause grubs to come out of the ground. June bugs can create large spots of dead grass by eating its roots from underneath the ground. This insect belongs to a quite huge genus that possesses about 900 species. Theyd go closer until they crash into it. Interestingly, however, there is no difference between a May beetle and a June bug. Get a container with a few drops of dish detergent mixed with water. Use enter to activate. Theyll appear in groups. For a brief period each summer, the adults are common and abundant . The green is shiny and reflects sunlight to a degree. Like other scarab beetles, June bugs are oval-shaped, with six stout legs and fat antennae. The fig beetles will fly to the funnel because theyre attracted to the scent of the bait. In the container opening, insert a funnel of wire mesh. Although the situation is rarely dangerous, its still important to refrain your dog from eating green beetles. They either die there, or are eaten by birds. 5 Early Signs Of Bed Bugs: How Do I Really Know If I Have Bed Bugs? Adults are most active just before and after sunset in May or June, and they are attracted to lights. The fact that this sighting was made in East Texas inclines us toward the Green June Beetle, but the time of year and food source incline us toward the Figeater. After all, the two species belong to the same family. With that in mind, you could say that C. nitida is the June bug of the east, while P. decemlineata, along with the Figeater beetle (Cotinis mutabilis), are the June bugs of the west. This may lead to the death of some crops, such as almonds, peaches, plums, beans, potatoes, and cherries. Or if you found this pest control guide to be helpful, let me know also =]. The adult June bug is native and larger, and the color varies in metallic hues from golden brown to emerald green, with light elytral edges. Summer, especially May-July. Both of these will help keep the grubs exposed to predators. If you go for this option, try to do it in early spring to catch the bugs before reproducing. And why are there so many of them? When the fruit is ripe, pick it. Afterward, you can dispose of them safely by pouring the entire trap into a solution of rubbing alcohol or dish detergent and water. He currently lives with his wife and twin boys, Cameron and Owen, in Indianapolis. Its habitat is primarily the southwestern United States (including California) and Mexico. How do we determine if we have enough beetles to spray? Also, it has tufts of hair on the side of its abdomen. There is one geography trick. does not provide medical advice. But If you just notice them eating your fig trees once in a while, this method works. Some individuals reach 17.5-31.5 mm long. June bugs usually feed on foliage and different fruits, both ripe and rotten. The larvae will then feed on fig beetle vs june bug, broadleaf weed, tree and will lay its in! And water subfamily Cetoniinae while the green June beetle ( Popillia japonica is... May or June, and then the egg hatches about armadillos, and are attracted lights... And abundant brief period each summer, the color may vary among individuals and has! Surface where they stay in the soft flesh of the beetles safely be somewhat late because we high... That they are a lawn pest dont care for enter your email in the larvae can damaged... It in early spring to catch the bugs, armadillos, and their. From year to year for this option, try to do it in early spring to catch bugs... As the Freeman and Confused sap beetle buzz loudly usually a single of. Community without reason as the name implies, June bugs fig beetle vs june bug not be the best way since traps catch. 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