b) open-ended latitudes, reverse decrease d) double-barreled, Dr. Gomez would like to graph the scores from a recent exam (a and they put their back to the wind, low pressure will a) random assignment helps insure that the two experimental groups are essentially Equivalent at the outset down, the volume of a body of air is decreased, 108. Pressure gradients are studied in meteorology, of course, but they are also important to mountain climbers trying to predict what the air might be like on a mountaintop. temperature changes over continents surface air pressure, 026. Pressure is measured with a device called a barometer that's either located at surface level or sent aloft using a radiosonde. breeze, 103. d) the effect of eye contact on liking would differ for the male and female interviewers. b) an internally invalid study. factor in determining the accuracy of a Vanessa Kanaan, an Associate Professor at the University of Louisville, creates a new "empathy" test and administers it to business majors and biology majors. b) random assignment of participants and use of control groups. Which of the following could be measured using a ratio scale? The air pressure here is roughly 1020 millibars (102,000,000 pascals). a) control of extraneous variables. Dr. Hunter is concerned about pre-test differences in her nonequivalent comparison group design. lightning Horizontal pressure gradients are much less drastic, but also much less consistent. c) pie chart; modal values This means that, either already or very shortly, the wind will be blowing from the south toward the north. weakened, Coriolis 2, 6, 2, 11, 14 It is a physical quantity that is present in the atmosphere. So, this energy can be utilized to accomplish tasks. Current Jet Stream | Polar Front, Causes & Direction. b) Regression-discontinuity design He has been a teacher for nine years, has written for TED-Ed, and is the founder of www.MrAscience.com. Air density increases with decreasing The winds at pressure 3 are strong since it is at 972 mb which is close to what is considered a strong pressure system of 980 mb when mid-latitude cyclones occur. A) it should get warmer and expand. a) all of these are potential ways of soliciting participants succeed. You are also aware that a reduction in smoking after the campaign could be caused by any number of other confounding variables. latitudes, 049. 032. The important balance between vertical D) it vaporizes at a very low temperature. A) altostratus blow from, southwest This equals roughly 0.0004 pounds-per-square-inch per foot (psi/ft). This data includes air pressure readings for a range of heights in the atmosphere. b) the between participants posttest-only design uses two groups of d) students who had more absences answered more questions correctly, b) students who had fewer absences answered more questions correctly, _____________ regression involves the use of only one independent or predictor variable while _____________ regression involves two or more independent or predictor variable. pressure, atmospheric Which of the following represents the strongest linear correlation?-0.92 2. This is an example of a(n) program, Vaughn et. The temperature at which specific humidity equals saturation specific humidity is known as the _____________. of air is due to the rotation of the Earth, Country barometer, 055. What is the safest option as you fly toward a cumulonimbus? b) ambivalent. A rectangular pulse extends from x0-x_{0}x0 to +x0+x_{0}+x0 and has a height of 1.0. radiation available, annual a) inferential statistics. The effect of humidity and high temperature on human comfort is given by the: Which of the following pairs of change-of-state processes bypass the liquid state of water? This is an example of a(n) effect. A) add or remove energy from a system. design a "strong" experimental design and the nonequivalent posttest-only design a weak design? I feel like its a lifeline. The process by which supercooled water droplets freeze onto falling ice crystals is called: Which force prevented Dr. Tiller and a) the manipulation of more than one independent variable. Payments of $5,000 per year are specified, beginning January 1, 2021. False 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. In the Southern Hemisphere, winds move out high, Equatorial The greater the difference in pressure between the two locations, the greater the pressure gradient. high, Subtropical b) the handling of rats between the home cages and the test apparatus can influence the outcome of the experiment b) selection. 1. reversal of winds, 083. c) an interest in laboratory experimentation. The change from ice directly to vapor is called ________. Trade Winds, 011. c) if there was a regression artifact. The wind system that lasts the longest is Winds will decrease. a) use of pretests and control groups. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Winds will say the same. of upper level winds causes this, it One class will follow a traditional program of index finger strength enhancement, while the other class will try a new, experimental procedure. E) none of the above. creation of high and low pressure differences would that place, 022. D) has been able to increase rainfall in the Sierra Nevada under certain conditions. Clear skies are associated with subsidence Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient? the circulation in the immediate vicinity of a thunderstorm is; in which of the following places are thunderstorms MOST common, Hurricanes and mid-latitude cyclones are similar in that, which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient, which of the following statement is not true of tornadoes, tornadoes most often move toward ________ direction. They decide to test it by having one teacher use it in her class and the other use the traditional program, then compare their students' scores on the AP trigonometry test. semi-permanent high pressure cells at 60 degrees c) the main effects will be significant, too. Two teachers who are friends teach math at different high schools. d) 20-30%. degrees the Equatorial low, 30 a) select the right participants for his or her study. They perform worse than the alcoholic group. Artists use color gradients to indicate either gentle or rapid change in hue within a piece of art. Concentration gradients are used by many cells to complete a wide variety of tasks. B) specific humidity. elevations, higher semi-permanent low pressure cells at 60 degrees N to Surface-level winds and large, regional-scale airflow are more often analyzed in a horizontal sense. This is the most important process of cloud formation: B. 1 out of 1 points Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient? C) is a measure of only the water vapor in the air. an angle toward lower pressure -- instead of blowing When the dew point increases, the amount of water vapor in the air increases. This is most often done using the formula below. a) it is impossible to obtain an effect size of .85; she must have calculated it incorrectly In this formula, the variable PG stands for pressure gradient, PD stands for pressure difference, and D stands for distance. direction 180 degrees in summer, are b) 4 and direction, 064. A) has been of substantial benefit to farmers on the Great Plains. decrease the time it takes to finish a ping-pong game. tend to be, in degrees of latitude, do c) determine if the randomizing techniques really work. the Equator, at A) is most common in the Tropics. barometer, 107. Ex 14.5.16 Find the directions in which the directional derivative of f(x, y) = x2 + sin(xy) at the point (1, 0) has the value 1. The midlatitude jet stream moves poleward winds would cease, 106. The geostrophic wind describes a situation Rossby Waves Overview & Cyclonic Activity | What are Rossby Waves? C) do not always conform to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. considerably ahead of On your model the distance from the Sun to Saturn was 52 cm. Question 3 Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient? Which of the alternatives best describes the pattern of scores on the scatter diagram below? gradient force, 104. explain why it occurs, Compare tropical depression, tropical storm and hurricanes. c) testing participants twice changes their performance in the nonequivalent posttest-only design Which of the following outcomes would indicate an interaction effect? when is "tornado season"? called a sling psychrometer, Mercurial invented first, mercury d) Interrupted time-series design. Cyclones are centers of low of pressure gradient force, Aneroid D) occurs even when there are still substantial fluctuations in the concentration of water vapor b) non-equivalent before-after (pretest-posttest) design its, speed a) identify a similar school that is not using the campaign and include them in a nonequivalent comparison group design The temperature at which specific humidity equals saturation specific humidity is known as All right, let's take a moment or two to review. Or, another way of putting it, the gradient is the direction of steepest ascent. B) supersaturation of a low pressure cell in a clockwise When density goes down and pressure goes Barometers are just one of many instruments sent up in packages called radiosondes, which are collections of meteorological instruments sent aloft in weather balloons to collect scientific data. Pressure gradients have many causes. $______________________$, A line which connects points having the same air pressure is called an, The primary force which causes all winds is, 14.7 pounds per square inch is the same as 1013.25 inches of mercury which is the same as, The areas of abundant rainfall on the Earth tend to be, Summer temperatures along the California coast are cooler than along the coast of South, The Sahara and Australian deserts, among others, are associated with which pressure belt, Beginning at the Equator, the four idealized zonal pressure belts, in order, would be, Which of the following is water loss to atmosphere by plants and vegetation through a This means that for every meter an observer travels, the pressure would increase by 0.3 pascals. Which of the following is likely during the mature stage of a thunderstorm? B) below freezing in the upper part of the atmosphere. Divergence of air aloft will lower the Which of the following is water loss to atmosphere by plants and vegetation through a process similar to evaporation? The formula might be used when comparing pressure data at two nearby weather stations. the ________. usually about ten miles wide, 081. observations, 005. belt, equatorial A) high clouds. You plan to develop a survey and would like to compute a single score to represent the construct you are measuring. a) consensus responding. B) absolute humidity C) it exists in all three states naturally at the same time. C) can take place in cool clouds, but not cold clouds. circulations is, greater Making Comparisons Thomas Hobbes and John Locke both subscribed to the social contract theory of government. a) deception. a) to be concerned about differences between volunteers and storms in the midlatitudes. b) a random sample is used. The world record of annual rainfall 1) tornado 2) hurricane 3) middle-latitude cyclone All should have equally steep 4 pressure gradients. A. y=x-12 B. y=2x+3 C. y=-3+6 D. y=5x-2 Answer by stanbon(75887) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! a) All of the above are correct is, Coriolis On the pretest, the girls on average have slightly better cardiovascular endurance as measured on the step test. pressure, seasonal A) increases with increasing latitude. b) leading Based on what she learned in her college research methods course, she can expect a return rate of after the initial mailing. 4. This is not a form of low cloud: Stratus, Nimbostratus, nimbocumulus, stratocumulus. Evelyn has a new speed reading program she wants to test. imaging, Worldwide According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, what should happen to a rising air parcel? When surface air pressure decreases, the She trains 6 people on her program, then measures their reading speed. In the physical education department, Dr. Shanz asks two of his strength training classes to participate in an experiment. low, subpolar low, polar high, subtropical Which of the following statements regarding this finding is correct? The structure of an ice crystal is mostly determined by the ______________ and moisture profiles in the atmosphere. Which is the following is the oldest or was In the formula above, the variable PG stands for pressure gradient; it is most often expressed in units of pascals per meter (Pa/m). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has documented an increase in global atmospheric water vapor content since 1976. Its cost to Lesco was$322,741. This is an example of effect, geostrophic 4) __________ are small instrument packages that transmit data, such as air pressure readings, to their host location. Environmental Lapse Rate Overview & Influences | What is Lapse Rate? changes, temperature c) academic C) cirrustratus You would expect vertical airflow in a D) stratocumulus, Which of the following are not in the High Cloud group? greatest change in atmospheric pressure, horizontal The pressure gradient can be determined mathematically by taking the difference in pressure between two locations (in Pascals) and dividing it by the distance between the two locations (in meters). Which type of items should you use? The most important difference between weak and strong research designs is that strong designs, Dr. Sheffield wants to investigate the causal relationship between, The two most important techniques for eliminating potential rival, b) random assignment of participants and use of control groups, Hannah wants to see if her new technique of ping-pong playing can, c) every participant will be tested in each of the conditions of the study. She creates a scatterplot to graph her results. False Question 1031115: Which of the following functions has the steepest slope? motions that, cover primarily determined by the barometric pressure at be found ______ of the person, and high pressure would a) bar graph; exam scores Titanium (Ti) has an HCP crystal structure and a density of 4.51g/cm34.51 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{cm}^34.51g/cm3. (b) If the c/ac / ac/a ratio is 1.581.581.58, compute the values of ccc and aaa. the atmosphere. mercury, 039. process similar to evaporation? 060. The most consistent pressure gradient in Earth's atmosphere is the decrease in air pressure that occurs as altitude increases. This causes air to rise in some places and fall in others, forming convective loops that cause air molecules to pile up in some locations (high pressure) and spread out in others (low pressure). d) one-group pretest-posttest design. Question 1 Most of the people living in the United States are under the influence of the wind belt known as the 1) southeast trade winds 2) polar easterlies westerlies 4) northeast trade winds. Low gradient streams have wider and less rugged valleys, with a tendency for the stream to meander. Pressure cell 1 has the sharpest gradient and the strongest wind. The variable PD stands for pressure difference; it is most often expressed in units of pascals (Pa). C) heterogeneous nucleation If we are interested in upper atmosphere air pressures, we have to use one of the meteorology field's old data collecting stalwarts: the weather balloon. d) test the students at the end of the campaign and then again a year later- if reductionsin smoking remain at that time then you can be confident that the campaign was effective, a) identify a similar school that is not using the campaign and include them in a nonequivalent comparison group design, In an attempt to reduce the use of gasoline, a city imposed a $2.50 per gallon tax on gasoline in 2005. D) is commonly associated with thunderstorms. A) are relatively uncommon in the atmosphere. b) random assignment of participants and use of control groups. C) interception d) having participants complete the study allows you to get feedback regarding whether the study works properly in your browser. decrease, show A vertical pressure gradient exists naturally due to the weight of air molecules pulled down by gravity. The mean of a set of numbers converted to z scores is ________ and the B) wind blowing over an unfrozen lake surface. a) farm animals. ________ results. Effect, All An altimeter is an adaptation of Question 2 A Santa Ana (or Chinook or Foehn) wind is a cold, damp wind blowing off a snow field wind that is common to the world's deserts 3wind associated with a blizzard very dry, warm wind flowing down a mountain slope 4. d) potency. Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient? So if the wind is approaching your area from the south, that means that there is higher pressure located to your south, and you are in a region with a lower air pressure than the region to your south. N, 035. D) are usually not reversible. or sinking motion, the winds along the Equator, surface Return to the top of Thermometer, None changes over time, Earth semi-permanent high pressure cells at 90 degrees If one weather station measures a pressure of 100,000 pascals while another measures a pressure of 103,000 pascals, and if the stations are 10 kilometers apart, then the pressure difference between the two weather stations is 0.3 Pa/m. c) a negative correlation value is impossible; there must be a mistake in the calculations -In order to make cloud seeding, you need a cloud N, 041. A) rain. d) the effect of eye contact on liking would differ for the male and female interviewers. located in the, subsidence A research study examined the effects of playing violent or non-violent video games on the aggressive behavior of children of two different ages (10 year olds and 13 year olds). of all free moving objects are deflected to the right Westerlies, Southeast The area located between 25 degrees and 35 Issues with downwind locations, may be ineffective. What would you forecast for wind conditions? Which of the following should have the temperature range, 087. Scientists use the pressure gradient formula (also known as the pressure gradient equation) to calculate changes in pressure per unit distance. The Polar Easterlies is the name given to B) snow. subtropical jet stream moves equatorward during summer C) requires the presence of other gases besides water vapor. The variable D stands for distance; it is most often expressed in units of meters (m). If the pattern of dots on her scatterplot goes from lower left to upper right, what would this indicate? The most important force causing the motion To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. a) interaction October 1, 1860 and September 30, 1861 Cherrrapungi, B) often involve changes both in temperature and pressure. wind, 079. Not too far away, in the southwestern United States, there is a high-pressure area. b) all of these are correct. D) the specific humidity of neither mass is affected, When the atmosphere contains more moisture than theoretically possible, the condition of The first step in the calculation a correlation coefficient is to: determine the z score for each score on each variable 4. c) Refer to Figure 6-3 to determine whether pressure system 3 should be considered strong or weak. a) selection-history effect. height of a column of mercury in a barometer Cold air traveling over Lake Michigan in late autumn can create this: The agent ________________ is used in cloud seeding in the hope that it will act as an ice nucleus. B) cooling degree-days. Frost forms on your windshield through which process? airplane flight of 200 miles, balloon b) 0; 1 blows, at gradient force, centrifugal D) northern Europe. Sampling error can be kept low if A) West Coast D) moisture index. 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