Let us know if we have suceeded or we can make some improvements to better meet your needs! 110 E Schiller Street this Year the Hartford Feis will be a prepaid feis. We do other stuff too - take a look at the services page and see how can maybe help you with your feis, even if it isn't a major!! Whether you have a few hours or a few days, youll love the look and charm of Qubec Citys lovely historic neighbourhoods. Unlike some websites, the results published on here are done so with the express or implied permission of the event organiser. It is strongly recommended that you make the changes on Saturday tohelp Sunday run smoothly. Photos from past events are available for viewing and purchasing atAllen Welsch Photography. Adult Championship New Shoes www.fayshoes.com www.rutherfordshoes.com North American Feis List http://www.love2feis.com Feis signups www.feisweb.com www.efeis.com www.feisworx.com Seattle, WA - Mar 4, 2023. Sun 02nd Apr, 2023. All members are certified by and registered with, Regional Director Maureen Dillon Yawger, TCRG, Vice Regional Director Ann Lavin Cassidy, ADCRG, Corresponding Secretary Heather McClanahan Ackerman, ADCRG, Recording Secretary Mary Laffey Beemsterboer, TCRG, Sergeant at Arms- Bridget Jaskulski, TCRG, National Ethics Rep Bernadette Dillon Gavin, ADCRG, North American Irish Dance Teachers Association. Select Feis: ----Please Select a Feis-- The City of Oaks Feis 2023 Raleigh Feis 2023 St. Brigid's Feis 2023 Wisconsin Winter Feis 2023 Pittsburgh Winter Feis 2022 Cincinnati Feis 2022 Chicago Autumn Feis 2022 Teelin Feis 2022 Michael Berry Memorial Feis 2022 Black and White Feis 2022 The Ohio State Championship 2022 MG . Carolina State Championships and Walsh Kelley School Feis March 4-5 | Charlotte, NC Venue and Hotel Sonesta Charlotte Executive Park 5700 Westpark Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 704-529-9650 or 786-594-2817 $134/night - Reserve by February 10, 2023 Group Name: Carolina State Championships Reserve online here > Adjudicators We tabulate at the major Irish Dancing events across the world and publish the results on this website. CLICK HERE for Feis Website .. The feis enjoyed eleven successful years at the Northwest Rooms at the Seattle Center, from 2003 to 2013, before that venue became unavailable for further rentals. Tabulation will be by FeisWorx. with any suggestions or if you have pictures of hall of fame inductions and/or past winners. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Sponsored by Emerald City Arts Hosted by Tara Academy of Irish Dance, Location:The Conference Center at Convention Place, Eighth Avenue at Pike Street, Downtown Seattle(Click for map). Entries have closed by cap and entry date. Orla Godley, Mullane Godley & If you have ordered individual results from us and have not received them please contact us at results@feisworx.com. This ninth-century illuminated Gospel book, one of the most beautiful ever created, is decorated with intricate knotwork believed to be derived from Anglo-Saxon animal interlace. Unfortunately that means that class size is limited. October 8, 2022 - Portland Feis - Portland, OR - CANCELLED October 9, 2022 - City of Roses Feis - Portland, OR - CANCELLED October 8-9, 2021 - Casey O'Loughlin Championships - Calgary, AB. ! The Arklow Bay Hotel. Chicago, Illinois 60606 (c) . However changes will be taken on the day of the feis with a $10 fee, per dancer. Hours. Have a look at the sales page for more information. All changes and updates will be made as provided by each regional body. There are 57 FEI/Advanced events in 2022, down from 62 in 2021 and 58 in 2020. PC/novice and PW will have 2nd chance.. DLP Mary Alice Godley, The Irish Dance Teachers Association of Mid-America (IDTAMA). Irish Dancing & Culture Magazine. Feiseanna Organized and Sanctioned by IDTANA and CLRG for North America, http://www.mcdadecara.com/our-feis/feis-na-cara/, Feisworxhttps://www.wisconsinspringfeis.com/, ttp://inishfreedallas.com/wp/index.php/feis/, Victoria Highland Games/ Celtic Fest Feis, Feis New Orleans & Louisiana State Championships, https://www.facebook.com/chocolatetownfeis/, https://sites.google.com/view/bluegrassfeis/home, Heritage Irish Dance Company Feis in Memory of Peter J. Smith, https://www.westernusregion.com/naidc-2021, Feiswebhttps://www.rocirishdance.com/rochester-feis, https://m.facebook.com/Young-Academy-Summer-Blackout-Feis-380801576063672/, https://www.facebook.com/Vermont-Maple-Feis-Saturday-August-14-2021-New-Date--101932841356364/, http://maguireacademy.com/houstonbayou-city-feis-update/, https://johnstonirishdanceny.com/syracuse-feis/, iFeishttps://www.facebook.com/IrishChannelNOLAFeis, Wilson Bryson Dennis Championships and Grades Feis, https://www.facebook.com/IrishChannelNOLAFeis, https://www.southernirishdancetn.com/feis, https://www.rocirishdance.com/flower-city-feis, Connick Feis In Memory Of Brian Quinlivan, https://www.facebook.com/Shamrock-Mini-Feis-Series-101652285431974. Lee Irish Dance Spring Feis Saturday, April 29, 2023 Registration: Stay tuned for registration info. is a member-based organization comprised of teachers and adjudicators registered in 14 US States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Anthony Murnane, Florida MyFeis is feis tabulation software, provided by FeisWorx, that the feis uses to tabulate scores themselves. Hertfordshire Championships - Sunday . Pat Hall, Arizona, Sean Cleland, Illinois McGrath Morgan Cherry Blossom Feis: TBA. Member of North American Feis Commission NAFC and An Coimisin le Rinci Gaelacha, Dublin. Schedules ABOUT THE FEIS April 30th & May 1st, 2022 Sponsored by Emerald City Arts Hosted by Tara Academy of Irish Dance SYLLABI Location: The Conference Center at Convention Place Eighth Avenue at Pike Street, Downtown Seattle (Click for map) Feis Seattle Competitions Sunday Emerald City Feis Competitions Saturday Adjudicators Musicians Hotel That said, the feis should definitely refund feis registration fees to anyone who just lost their hotel room at this late date. Sean Warren, Georgia, First Feis, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Novice, Prizewinner, Adult Solos and Specials** This is feisresults.com. McGrath Morgan Feis: TBA. 'Tabulation By' denotes the tabulation service that the feis is using. IDTANA Members are certified by An Coimisin le Rinc Gaelacha (CLRG) and provide quality Irish dance instruction. Colleen Janeiro and Kimberly Stevens, TCRG - Secretary. Member of North American Feis Commission NAFCand An Coimisin le Rinci Gaelacha, Dublin. Don't hesitate to contact us if you run into problems or have questions. World Championships 2023 . . Changes are Allowed. If you recently ordered a subscription as a gift and need a subscription certificate, head to our shop page HERE to download and print our certificate!. ), Halloween ~ Monday, October 31, 2022 (No Classes), Oireachtas Class Break ~ Thursday November 10 - Sunday November 13, 2022 (No Classes), Remembrance Day ~ Friday, November 11, 2022 (No Classes), Christmas Break Last day of classes ~ Saturday, December 17, 2022, Classes resume ~ Tuesday, January 3, 2023, Winter Performance Rehearsal ~ Wednesday, January 18, 2023(Mandatory for ALL students), Winter Performance Saturday ~ February 11, 2023(No Regular Saturday classes), Family Day ~ Monday, February 20, 2023 (No Classes), Spring Break ~ Sunday, March 12 - Sunday, March 26, 2023 (No Classes), Easter Weekend ~ Friday April, 7 - Monday April 10, 2023 (No Classes), Registration for 2023-2024 Begins ~ Monday May 8, 2023, Victoria Day Long Weekend ~ Friday May 19 - Monday May 22, 2023 (No Classes), Last Day of Classes Friday, June 16, 2023, Beginner - Prizewinner Summer Camp 2022~ July 17-21, 2023 (Tentative Date), Oireachtas Training Camp ~ August 28 - 30, 2023 (Tentative Date), September Classes Begin - September 11, 2023. As such it will continue to value, and prosper from, the enormous voluntary efforts of its members. is the development and promotion of Irish Culture, through the medium of Irish Dance and music, as a principal component of the Irish identity. VIEUX-QUEBEC FEIS 2021 - CANCELLED. North American Feis Schedule. Golden Horseshoe Feis on 6/15/19. To Be Updated for 2021 Please Check Back FEIS REGISTRARS (Click on the Logos Below to be taken to their Website to Register for a Feis) NAFC SCHEDULE CLICK HERE for a complete list of NAFC Sanctioned Feis Western U.S. You can register for the following feiseanna at this site: Feis / Location / Date(s) / Sponsor / Registrar. is an organization of Feis Managers responsible for the organizing Feiseanna in Canada and the United States. The North American Irish Dance Championships (NAIDC) is held annually in North America over the first week of July and is hosted on a rotational basis by each region. We'd love to perform for you! The Irish Dance Teachers Association of Mid-America (IDTAMA) is a member-based organization comprised of teachers and adjudicators registered in 14 US States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Our Feiseanna Maguire Academy offers three feiseanna throughout the year. Suite 2115. **, Entries will close on Sunday, April 23, 2023 at midnight Or when cap is reached. Feis (Irish dance competition) entries, tabulation, and results serving the North Eastern United States. North American 2021 Feis List Feiseanna Organized and Sanctioned by IDTANA and CLRG for North America January February March April May June July August September October November December 2021 1/16/2021 Fairfield County Championship Feis Day (s) of the Week: Feis City (closest Major): Region: Feis Entry System: Feis Website: Saturday New England Hotel Booking: https://bit.ly/3onRi0o. **, Entries will close on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at midnight Or when cap is reached. No online changes to entries after May 24th. US Racing presents the complete graded stakes races schedule for 2023. Gearing up for St. Patrick's Day? There are many Feiseanna opportunities within our tri-state area. Feis Schedule Visit this page of the Student Handbook for an overview of Competition Information REMINDERS: LINKS TO FEIS REGISTRATION WEBSITES: How do I find competitions? -- this is crazy, 12:53:30 01/10/23 Tue Our goal is to make your registration simple and easy. To provide guidance for establishing and executing a multi-cultural event promoted to advance our Celtic heritage and attract participants and observers. Walk around history. For a complete listing of North American feiseanna, please see the calendar found here. Register on Feisworx. The information listed reflects approved IDTANA sanctioned feiseanna in each respective region, as provided by the Executive Board of each IDTANA region. TIE! (especially anything from before 2010) Thank you!!! THE 2020 Feis will be a BLACK OUT FEIS! Laundry room ($) | Free indoor and outdoor parkings | Sports equipment lockers, Sports menus | Restaurants, bars & nightclub | Swimming pools & spas. HIVE STUDIO & HIVE STUDIO BONAVISTA. Ground Transportation | Port of Seattle (portseattle.org) **Link Light Rail from the airport Westlake Station stop is 0.3 miles away, Ryan Carroll, Ontario Mailing Address Irish American Home Society c/o Mary Lynch 177 Hopewell Road South Glastonbury, CT USA 06073 Our confirmed Adjudicators are: Rachael . Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 NAFC Championships! Albany, NY. No online entries after May 24th. Feis entry cut-off date: May 14th 2021 Late fee of $20 per dancer after May 14th through May 24th. The primary role of the N.A.F.C. The 2021-2023 IDTAMA Executive Board: Regional Director - Maureen Dillon Yawger, TCRG Vice Regional Director - Ann Lavin Cassidy, ADCRG Treasurer - Heather Timm, ADCRG Corresponding Secretary - Heather McClanahan Ackerman, ADCRG Recording Secretary - Mary Laffey Beemsterboer, TCRG Sergeant at Arms- Bridget Jaskulski, TCRG Representatives: Ronan McCormack, Florida Sun 26th Mar, 2023. However entries will be taken on the day of the feis with a $20 late fee. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. A man stole an American Airlines bus from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City early Wednesday, driving across multiple boroughs before he was stopped by police, according to . It is up to the Feis Committee to double check all information for accuracy. All Team Dances, Location: 1400 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 <5 minute walk to our venue at the Washington State Convention Center, Room Block Dates: Friday, April 29 Sunday, May 1, 2022, Room Type/Rate: Standard Double/Double rooms $179.00 plus state and local taxes, To Book: Use the online link: Book your group rate for Emerald City Irish Dance Competition Room Block Apr2022 Or call the inhouse reservation line (206) 447-5547, The content of these pages is the responsibility ofSuzanne Winter, Web Developer, 23304 La Pierre Drive, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043, Website Created & Hosted withDoteasy Web Hosting Canada, Photos from past events are available for viewing and purchasing at, First Feis, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Novice, Prizewinner, Adult Solos and Specials**, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Novice, Prizewinner, Adult Solos, The Conference Center at Convention Place, Eighth Avenue at Pike Street, Downtown Seattle, Ground Transportation | Port of Seattle (portseattle.org). 4036800862 irishdance@blakeyobrien.com. North West Region UK . The Grange Academy. Feel like a VIP with an 8% horse betting rebate on horse bets, win or lose . Login to enter a Feis. The NAIDC is one of the premier Irish dance competitions worldwide and it is considered a secondary Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne qualifier for those dancers residing in North America. Saturday July 17, 2021 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY Presented by the Boland School of Irish Dance Christine Boland, TCRG - Chairperson Jennifer Boland Silva, TCRG - Co-Chairperson Colleen Janeiro and Kimberly Stevens, TCRG - Secretary The North American Feis Commission (N.A.F.C.) **, Entries will close on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at midnight Or when cap is reached.**. Region Oireachtas Phoenix, AZ CANCELLED Check Back for more information as it becomes available for Oireachtas 2021. Established in 2003 by Maggie Corrigan, Sara Williams, Sara Leekley, and Patti Gats, the Emerald City Feis has been the joint effort of these two Seattle Irish dance schools. All results are the intellectual property of the event organiser. We do other stuff too - take a look at the services page and see how can maybe help you with your feis, even if it isn't a major! feisresults.com 2023 | All rights reserved. CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the 2019 NORTH AMERICAN FEIS COMMISSION CHAMPIONSHIPS! There is a new website for sanctioned competitions in North America: love2feis.com - also follow Love2Feis on Facebook Strolling the streets of Old Qubec is like journeying back in time. **Dancers who move up dance(s) on Saturday and are competing on Sunday may make the change to their July 4-8, 2023 - North American Irish Dance Championships - Nashville, TN . Atlanta Irish Dance by Burke Connolly . Mid America - United States Sunday 26-Mar-2023 ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES: 14-Mar-2023 Dayton Feis Mid America - United States Saturday 29-Apr-2023 ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES: 18-Apr-2023 Buffalo Feis Mid Atlantic - United States Saturday 03-Jun-2023 ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES: 23-May-2023 Feises . Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC, G3A 0L4. Feiseanna Organized and Sanctioned by IDTANA and CLRG for North America, If you are a Feis Chairperson and would like information added to your Feis listing - please visit the 'Submit Feis Info'page. Carey: North West England 4: Rose Maureen Lynn Callanan: Lynn O'Grady Quinlan: Mid Atlantic USA 5: Lauren Gallagher: O'Connor Hennigan: Southern England 6: Adele Kushner: Wilson-Bryson-Dennis: Eastern Canada 7: Zoe Blickenstaff: McClanahan: Mid America USA 8: Annabelle Noone: Butler-Fearon-O'Connor: E. Canada/W. The North Coast Feis: Cleveland, OH (IDTANA - Middle America US) Jan 28: Jazz Feis: New Orleans, LA (IDTANA - Southern US) Jan 15: John & Maureen Kennelly Memorial Feis: San Francisco, CA (IDTANA - Western US) Jan 14 to Jan 15: Krewe of Eire Feis: Kenner, LA (IDTANA - Southern US) Jan 14: Arizona State Championships & Feis: Phoenix, AZ (IDTANA . Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Novice, Prizewinner, Adult Solos Contact the feis' registrar by clicking on her/his name; this is an email link, Many feiseanna provide a downloadable syllabus, usually in, Some feiseanna allow us to display registration counts, these are viewable by clicking on "Who's Registered". For group reservation with suggested rates, mention : 4900, rue Saint-Flix,Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures,Qubec, G3A 0L4 Canada. is the development and promotion of Irish Culture, through the medium of Irish Dance and music, as a principal component of the Irish identity. The Feis consists of Irish dance competitions, music, language, singing and Irish soda bread competitions. **, Entries will close on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM Or when cap is reached. Vinny OConnor, California Empire State Plaza. Mackenzie Mahler, Blakey Calgary. is an organization of Feis Managers responsible for the organizing Feiseanna in Canada and the United States. Brady Spring Feis & Grades Sat., May 20, 2023 Sun., May 21, 2023 Double Tree by Hilton Hotel (map) Affiliated School Name: Brady Academy Canada Hosted by: NAIIDAA Feis Website: www.bradyacademy.ca Entry Website: https://www.feisworx.com/ Venue: Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta Our Studio is located at:. Entries will close on Monday, March 20, 2023 at midnight Or when cap is reached. 20th Anniversary Murchu-Duiginn Feis - 7th May 2023 - SE Region. Feile Naomh Brd 2021 - Postponed until 2022 - Munster - Cige Mumhan . (information and pictures under theMusic Scholarship tab) Mike Nagan (206-851-2101) Feb 17, 2023 ($30.00) No Cap / Yes. After your feis has been approved you will get an email on your balance and how to pay. Hosting NAFC Bob Gabor Junior Belt Champiuonship. May 5, 2018: Feile Rince Tucson, Tucson, Arizona May 6, 2018: Arizona Roadrunner Feis, Tucson, Arizona August 4 and 4 of 2018: Arizona State Championships and Feis, Phoenix, Arizona August 5, 2018: Maureen Salt Memorial Feis, Phoenix, Arizona November 10, 2018: Arkansas State Championships . 2022 FEI Events & Advanced Events - North America : 2020 FEI Event Calendar Key changes: Events still "Pending USEF Approval" are designated by italics (there are seven to date)- US Equestrian has advised to check back weekly for updates. Presented by the Boland School of Irish Dance. Congratulations to the winner of the 2018 Under 15 Edward Callaghan Music Scholarship - Elizabeth Nist! Note : The List above only includes current Feiseanna Using a FeisWeb service. This feis is sanctioned by and governed by the rules of the North American Feis Commission. Email us: info@anamcarairishdance.com. **Feiseanna reserve the right To change caps, late fee dates, FeisWeb services, And Feis closing dates at any time. At BUSR you can bet from your home computer, mobile or tablet at any of these harness races. Lake Geneva, WI (IDTANA - Middle America US), St. Louis, MO (IDTANA - Middle America US), St. Petersburg, FL (IDTANA - Southern US), Cleveland, OH (IDTANA - Middle America US). Once your most recent feis has been completed (assuming it is 2019): If you have any issues, comments or suggestions, please contact me at. There is a $20.00 family entry fee that must be paid in advance. FEIS INFO "Feis" is the Gaelic term used mostly to refer to Irish dance competition. We tabulate at the major Irish Dancing events across the world and publish the results on this website. A dance competition, feis , pronounced "fesh," can provide an excellent way for our dancers to gauge their knowledge and improvement in Irish dance, boost their confidence, shine on stage, and meet Irish dancers from around the globe, oh and TRAVEL! Gilleoghan Irish Dance will be hosting The Florida State Championships and Feis Delmar on January 28th & 29th 2023. Follow us on Facebook: 2022 McGrath Morgan Feis & McGrath Morgan Cherry Blossom Feis Day of Feis Updates and Pictures on instagram: mcma_feiseanna Judges: (Subject to change) Gerard Carson - Ulster, Ireland 27th Annual Governor Thomas Dongan Feis - Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY Welcome to DonganFeis.org! CRDM - Ulster Championships - 3rd & 4th June 2023. When a feis uses individual number cards, we only know the name of one team member. Hotel Block Information. Welcome to FeisWeb! Maya Coyne, Butler Fearon O'Connor 20 North Wacker Drive. For the official list of North American feiseanna, see the North American Feis Listings website.. Current feiseanna Honestly, the feis organizers should have known about this-- Sailing away, 09:42:19 01/10/23 Tue. Murray Academy's Podium Placers Congratulations to our 42 dancers who traveled to Montreal to participate in the first North American Championships in three years' time! Welcome to the Website for the38th Annual and 2021 Online East Bay Feis(Est. North American 0 Hide/Show Additional Information For Texas A&M University-Kingsville - September 3, 2022 Details Local Canadian competitions are listed in Redbelow: September 10, 2022 - Feis at the Falls - Spokane, WA, https://www.feisworx.com/feis/FeisAtTheFallsDeirdreAbeid2022Syllabus.pdf, September 11, 2022 - Deirdre Abeid Memorial Feis - Spokane, WA, October 8, 2022 - Portland Feis - Portland, OR - CANCELLED, October 9, 2022 - City of Roses Feis - Portland, OR - CANCELLED, October 8-9, 2021 - Casey O'Loughlin Championships - Calgary, AB, October 22, 2022 - Cairdeas Feis - Vancouver, BC -TENTATIVE, October 20-23, 2022 - Great Britain Championships - Kensington, London, November 11-12, 2022 - Oireachtas Championships (Regionals) - Victoria, BC, November 18-20, 2022 - Western US Oireachtas Championships (Regionals) - San Francisco, https://www.westernusregion.com/wusroireachtas, Saturday, February 3, 2023 - Salish Sea Feis - Victoria BC, https://obrienirishdance.com/salish-sea-feis-february-9th-2019/, TBA - Pacific Northwest Feis - Seattle, WA, April 2-9, 2023 - World Championships - Montreal, QC, TBA - Victoria Highland Games & Celtic Festival Feis - Victoria, BC, TBA - West Coast Championships - Surrey, BC, TBA - Western Canadian Open - Calgary, AB, July 4-8, 2023 - North American Irish Dance Championships - Nashville, TN. Submit Feis Info More North American Feis Listing Feiseanna Organized and Sanctioned by IDTANA and CLRG for North America The information posted on this website reflects approved IDTANA sanctioned feiseanna in each respective region, as provided by the Executive Board of each IDTANA region. To maintain a close partnership and foster goodwill between An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha and N.A.F.C.. SCHEDULE ANNOUNCING A boo-licious NEW CALGARY FEIS FOR 2022: BLAKEY O'BRIEN halloween feis, Oct 29-30th in calgary! Our feis will include second chance competitions for advanced beginner through PC, and treble reel specials for all levels! Preliminary & Open Championships If you are a Feis Chairperson and would like information added to your Feis listing - please visit the '. George Sweetnam Minor Belt We look forward to welcoming everyone back to Western Canada for the North American Irish Dance Championships in 2027 ! Scholarships NAIDC Updates Regions Vice Regional Director Ann Lavin Cassidy, ADCRG Open Champion of Champions Dance Off Jennifer Boland Silva, TCRG - Co-Chairperson. All changes and updates will be made as provided by each regional body. Founded in 1985, Heavey Quinn Academy of Irish Dancing teaches Irish dance to students of all ages and ability levels. Welcome to feisresults.com This is feisresults.com. Murray Academy's Return to 2022 North American Irish Dance Championship in Montreal marked with two champions!! All efforts will be made to monitor links and verify information. The eminently walkable walled city has a unique European feel and is . The Hartford Feis has been cancelled! In this case, we'll post the figure results. is a non-party political, anti sectarian and anti-racist organization. Vieux-Qubec Feis is in the Eastern Canadian Region. CLRG Rep Cormac OShea, TCRG Preliminary & Open Championships & Specials Top Feis Results. 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Feis Managers responsible for the organizing Feiseanna in each respective region, as by..., Oct 29-30th in CALGARY better meet your needs post the figure results suggestions...
Conservative Talk Radio Hosts List, The Basic Geographic Area For Conducting National, State, District, And County Elections Is The, Articles N