arkansas game and fish employee directoryarkansas game and fish employee directory
The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Its headquarters is located at Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. LITTLE ROCK The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will accept applications Jan. 15-Feb. 15 from hunters who want to hunt on many wildlife management areas during the 2022 Arkansas turkey season. We can continue to turn the tide for re-habitation of our forests and restoration of wildlife in ways that will benefit our entire state.. Email: Experience. Be Proud., Phone: Arkansass hunter education program is recognized in all states, as well as in Canada and Mexico. Anne Marie serves on the Board of Directors for the Arkansas State Fair and Livestock Show and served on the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation. Mr. Jones term expires July 1, 2029. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Meeting, Arkansas public access to benefit from modernized Marine Fuel Tax Program, Applications to hunt turkeys on Arkansas WMAs available Jan. 15-Feb. 15. 479-783-3038 | Little Rock, AR 72205. Hes passionate about the outdoors. The Game and Fish Commission faces some challenges today, and I believe your perspective will add to the solutions, and that will be important that you all work through the coming years.". Mr. Tappan says his mother was a fanatical birdwatcher and his father was an avid duck hunter. Mobile: 49 North, Brinkley, AR 72021 We talked to BestReviews nutrition expert Molly Bremer about how to plan meals that are healthy, satisfying and a joy to eat. They own Route 66 Warranty in Mountain Home and Cranors White River Lodge in Cotter. 479-480-7242, Baxter, Boone, Cleburne, Fulton, Izard, Marion, Newton, Searcy, Sharp,Stone and Van Buren Counties, Phone: show how our changing climate will bring tick habitats into, Average annual temperatures in Arkansas are expected to rise 4.9 to 5.1F by 2050. BENTON It almost seems like one of those great upsets that occasionally occurs in sports: Small Sunset Lake recently produced a whopping 10-pound black bass. The beauty and fragility of Arkansas evokes reverence for our natural resources, Mr. Jones said. I admire his passion for waterfowl, deer hunting, and fishing. Free Tools . When I look for a (Arkansas Game and Fish Commissioner), I look for someone who values deep in their heart the hunting culture we have in Arkansas. Overview. Stay informed about coronavirus COVID-19. He is a passionate outdoors enthusiast, enjoying hunting, fishing, backpacking and field research in deserts, mountains and forests of the United States. In addition to duck hunting and bass fishing, her other hobbiesinclude fly fishing, mountain biking, golf, tennis, and working with her retriever, Baron. During his time with the Foundation, he helped develop the concept and plans for its highly successful shooting sports complex in Jacksonville. Governor Asa Hutchinsonappointed Little Rock businessman Philip Tappan to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commissionon July1, 2021. The maps above (courtesy of theNCA) show how our changing climate will bring tick habitats into much of the eastern half of the country by 2080. Martins term will expire in 2023. Governor Asa Hutchinson appointed Bill Jones, Chief Executive Officer of Sissys Log Cabin in Pine Bluff, to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission on July 6, 2022. His son, Daniel, works at the familys firm; his daughter, Taylor, is studying pharmacy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Site Development, and specialized AGFC conservation education/educator training The beauty and fragility of Arkansas evokes reverence for our natural resources, Mr. Jones said. The deadline for Fiscal, Phone: Martins term will expire in 2023. Bobby Martin is an avid outdoorsman, conservationist, and a strong advocate for youth in the outdoors, Hutchinson said in a news release. She directs a Research Experience for Undergraduates Program focusing on Assessment and Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services (EcoREU Martin is an operating partner of The Stephens Group and was chief executive officer and president of Walmart International, where he led the development of its international business from 1993 to 1999. Its not by accident that we do have the public lands that so many states probably are jealous of us having. 870-435-7577 or 877-435-7577. Parker is actively involved with both community and professional organizations and is married with one son. Email: I also look for someone who understands the importance of protecting the habitat we have.. 501-604-0485, Phone: Email: Little Rock, AR 72205, 2 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72205., Phone: Fact is, however, its a testament to what can happen when the right fish genetics and nature come together, even in a 28-acre lake. Arkansas recognizes hunter education cards from other states. Workshops, Outdoor Adventures Curriculum, Arkansas National Archery in the 915 Pickett Street, Camden, AR 71701 Website: The NCA describes the following potential impacts of climate change on the transmission of Lyme disease: Sustainability and Resilience203 N. School AvenueFayetteville, AR 72701Phone: 479-575-8268Email. 870-319-0668 To me, the appointment of a Game and Fish Commissioner is one of the most important appointments a governor can make, Gov. Phone: He began his career at another Arkansas retailer, Dillards Department Stores, where he climbed the ladder from third-shift computer operations staff to many positions at the top of the organizations technology services department. He began his career at another Arkansas retailer, Dillards Department Stores, where he climbed the ladder from third-shift computer operations staff to many positions at the top of the organizations technology services department. Website: He sits on the board of directors for several companies and community organizations including the Fort Smith Mercy Foundation, BancorpSouth Advisory Board, Fort Smith Boys and Girls Club Inc., and the U.S. Box 6740, 7004 Hwy. An employee with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has resigned from the agency after an investigation began looking into a post on a social media site. During the last 100 . She is a community and ecosystem ecologist and much of her research is at the interface of these two ecological levels. ["Youth Publications","Arkansas Wildlife by Species","Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Web Store","Hunting Licenses","Fishing Licenses","Arkansas Wildlife Magazine Subscription"]. I think the Game and Fish is doing something pretty good, and Im in awe of what the Game and Fish has done in the past, Jones said. 547, Alicia, AR 72410 Fax: Mr. Finley was born on Eaker Air Force Base in Mississippi County, graduated from Cotter High School in Baxter County, and followed in his fathers footsteps to join the U.S. Air Force. A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, B-1, B-2, Phone: 870-455-1791 Continue your conversation over the web, email or SMS. Hempstead, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Pike, Sevier Counties, 772 Jordan, Monticello, AR 71656 Website: 501-382-9082 In addition to being a successful businesswoman, Doramus also is a life-long friend and advocate of the outdoors, Hutchinson says. Each year, birders and other wildlife-watching enthusiasts flock to wetlands during winter to catch a glimpse of these birds as they make []. Email: 479-480-7123, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Polk, Pope, Scott, Sebastian and Yell Counties, Phone: 501-804-8422 During the last 100 years, the agency has overseen the protection, conservation and preservation of various species of fish and wildlife in Arkansas., Phone: 870-449-3485 Fax. "You're young, you're a woman, you're a hunter and fisherman," Hutchinson said. 1 Commerce Way, Ste. He has served as a member of the Jefferson Regional Medical Center board and as a Baptist Health Foundation trustee. . Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Cleveland, Desha, DrewCounties, 130 South 4th Street, Batesville, AR 72501 501-382-9116, Arkansas, Crittenden, Lee, Lonoke, Monroe, Phillips, Prairie, St. Francis, White and Woodruff Counties, Phone: Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm Did you find what you're looking for?, Benton, Carroll, Madisonand Washington Counties, Phone: . Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Mourning, White-Winged and Eurasian Collared-Dove, Arkansas Waterfowl Rice Incentive Conservation Enhancement (WRICE), Natural State Landowner Conservation Awards, Endangered Species and Other Threats to Wildlife, Gov. In addition to being a successful businesswoman, Doramus also is a life-long friend and advocate of the outdoors, Hutchinson says. Philip Tappans business savvy, his love of the outdoors, and his commitment to conserve the beauty of the Natural State will serve Arkansas well as he assumes his position as a Game and Fish commissioner, Governor Hutchinson said today. Box 489, Yellville, AR 72687 The Game and Fish Commission faces some challenges today, and I believe your perspective will add to the solutions, and that will be important that you all work through the coming years.". 870-455-4696 Two Natural Resources Drive Little Rock, AR 72205 Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission. 501-382-3904 Philips life experiences and quiet leadership are a perfect fit for the commission as the members work to promote and preserve Arkansass great outdoors.. His son, Daniel, works at the familys firm; his daughter, Taylor, is studying pharmacy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. To preserve our legacy and be stewards of our future, Arkansans need to be leaders in the fight against climate change. Jones commented on the excellent work the AGFC had done in the past and thanked Hutchinson for the honor to serve on the Commission. We take this issue seriously and have been investigating it vigorously since Monday, Fitts said. News & Media. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commissions mission is to conserve and enhance Arkansass fish and wildlife and their habitats while promoting sustainable use, public understanding and support. Philip Tappans business savvy, his love of the outdoors, and his commitment to conserve the beauty of the Natural State will serve Arkansas well as he assumes his position as a Game and Fish commissioner, Governor Hutchinson said today. 501-223-6447 89 South, Mayflower, AR 72106 He wants to ensure that we care for our natural resources so that everyone can enjoy our state hunters, anglers, and people who simply appreciate the beauty of Arkansas. He and his wife, Nicki, have been successful in a variety of businesses, including outdoor retreats and lodges. 479-640-5434 | Website: 870-321-5548 Agency programs geared toward the public generate awareness of ethical and sound management principles. In the 2015 Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan, Game & Fish notes the following items as current and future impacts of climate change: An increase in average yearly temperatures, particularly in NWA; More frequent heat waves Conservation Education Grant Program is administered by a partnership between AEDC Rural Services Division and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC). Governor Asa Hutchinson appointed Stan Jones of Clover Bend to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission on July 11, 2017. Email:, Phone:, Phone: To view the commission meeting, [], LITTLE ROCK The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission approved just over $2 million in capital construction projects spread throughout Arkansas at todays regularly scheduled meeting in Little Rock. "J.D. An increase in average temperatures will drive up home energy bills, produce negative public health effects, threaten crop productivity, worsen drought conditions, and, University of Arkansas Extension Services, Southeast Regional Vulnerability Assessment, Resilience and Mitigation in the Southeast, Fayetteville's Response to Climate Change, An increase in average yearly temperatures, particularly in NWA, Public health problems including insect-borne diseases and heat-related illnesses, Stormwater and street infrastructure damage, Changes in the geographic distribution of the disease due to the increase in favorable habitat for ticks to survive off their hosts, Lengthened transmission season due to earlier onset of higher temperatures in the spring and later onset of cold and frost, Higher tick densities leading to greater risk in areas where the disease is currently observed due to milder winters and potentially larger rodent host populations, 'Withdrawing from the Paris Accord May Negatively Affect AR Businesses", "Arkansas Begins to Grapple with Climate Change", "Fayetteville Develops Energy Action Plan", "Fayetteville Mayor Vows to Stick with Paris Accord". She is the first woman appointed to a full term on the commission in the states history. Box 110, 500 Ben Lane, Camden, AR 72701 Home / Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission / Austin Booth; Did you find what you're looking for? In announcing Morgans appointment years ago, Hutchinson said, Joe understands that being on the Game and Fish Commission means being a steward of all The Natural State has to offer. Anne Marie and her husband, Joe, live in Little Rock. Fax: An angler on Bull Shoals Lake since childhood, Reeves is also an avid turkey hunter, and enjoys hunting duck, deer, elk, squirrel and quail. As a line judge I would typically ready my field for the days events by moving shells, eyes, ears, and sunscreen to my assigned trap field. 601 Hes passionate about the outdoors. Email: Box 6740, 7004 Hwy. Doramus' term is set to expire June 30, 2026. Mobile: 437 Chat with One major area of her research examines the roles of animals in organic matter and nutrient dynamics; she often consider how anthropogenic factors such as pollutants may alter these roles by modifying organismal physiology and behavior or by modification of community structure. He and Nicki live in Mountain Home and have a daughter and three sons. Arkansas., Clay, Craighead, Cross, Greene, Independence, Jackson, Lawrence, Mississippi, PoinsettandRandolph Counties, Phone:, Phone: He replaces Emon Mahony, whose term expired in June. wildlife and their habitats while promoting sustainable use, public understanding and support. 501-604-3959 Northwest Arkansas is currently in a range of the country where ticks and other vectors that carry Lyme disease are scarce. Contact. She is a founding member of the Arkansas Outdoor Society, a group for young adults who are passionate about conservation and outdoors in Arkansas and directly support the mission of the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation and Commission. Replacement Hunter Education cards are available for a small fee by calling 1-800-830-2268 or visiting Email: View Jon Stein's business profile as District Fisheries Supervisor at Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. He serves on the Red Wolves Foundation 500 Club and the Clover Bend Historical Society. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's mission is to conserve and enhance Arkansas's fish and Jones is an owner of Banded outdoor sporting apparel, Avery Outdoors and the Stan Jones Mallard Lodge., Phone: 1426. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | 1,903 followers on LinkedIn. Only schools or Along with many national and global agencies, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has studied the effects of climate change in our Natural State. Even though the employee made the comments on his personal socials media site, but agency director Pat Fitts noted in a statement released Wednesday [] He also has worked as a licensed broker for the sale of timberland investment and recreational properties for 22 years. It is an honor to be appointed to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Westphal said. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Dr. in Little Rock. 3520 Robin Hill Lane, Harrison, AR 72601 Overview. Doramus, is a graduate of the University of Arkansas and is vice president of special projects and sales for Arkansas Bolt Company, a fastener distributor and OEM supplier based in Little Rock. He has already worked toward that end with the Game and Fish Foundation, and is ready to bring that same drive to the Commission. 501-912-4355 | Heavy downpours and increasing annual rainfall can have catastrophic effects, including: Hardiness zones maps are an easy and reliable way for farmers and gardeners to know when and what to plant. Email: There is no specific age requirement to enroll in hunter education. Doramus' term is set to expire June 30, 2026. I take that very seriously, and I will work diligently to protect it. Mobile: Email: fine money collected from fish and wildlife citations issued by AGFC wildlife Hutchinson said. Philips life experiences and quiet leadership are a perfect fit for the commission as the members work to promote and preserve Arkansass great outdoors.. An essential part of ensuring healthy wildlife populations involves people. 870-836-5981 O | 870-818-4102 M | officers into grant funds for school conservation education programs. Not quite finding the information you are looking for here? 870-597-4908 Benton, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton, Washington Counties, 1400 Black Dog Road, Pine Bluff, AR 71611 "His experience as a businessman and his knowledge of the land as a forester, an appraiser and a realtor will make him a valuable member of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and give him an appreciation of our states conservation efforts.". Email: Company. Fax: LITTLE ROCK The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will host two special winter fishing derbies from 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 4, to celebrate the holidays and the opportunity to catch rainbow trout in Family and Community Fishing Program locations., Phone: Email: . Previously, Mark wa s a Region 3 Supervisor, Certified Wildlife Biologist at Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and also held positions at The WMA. Austin Booth Director. Neeley, who is 54, and his wife, Beth, have a son and a daughter., Phone:, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Web Store. Jones was a member of ASUs 1970 undefeated, untied National College Division Champion football team, which was inducted into the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame in 2015. Hutchinson said Doramus has the three qualities he looks for in a Game and Fish Commission candidate: a deep love for hunting and fishing, a commitment to conservation and a unique perspective. The [], LITTLE ROCK Duck hunters arent the only people who know and appreciate the soul-stirring sight of thousands of ducks, geese and other migratory birds descending on open fields in the Arkansas Delta. Jones commented on the excellent work the AGFC had done in the past and thanked Hutchinson for the honor to serve on the Commission. 5201 South Hazel, Pine Bluff, AR 71603 For more information please visit her laboratory website. "You bring all the things I value to a commission. Im an avid hunter, and through the years, I have learned valuable life lessons as I called ducks in the middle of a flooded rice field or scouted spring turkeys in dense cover. Governor Asa Hutchinson appointed Bill Jones, Chief Executive Officer of Sissys Log Cabin in Pine Bluff, to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission on July 6, 2022. State Directory; Top Online Services Renew Vehicle Registration; Start a Business; Property Tax; Mr. Tappan is the managing partner of Tappan Land & Water, which owns the majority interest in Quality Foods LLC (Purple Cow Restaurants). Arkansas is written into my familys legacy, and our care for the resources God has given us is part of that legacy. PO Box 1300, Mountain Home, AR 72654 She is a community and ecosystem ecologist and much of her research is at the interface of these two ecological levels. Website: and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC). Arkansas public access to benefit from modernized Marine Fuel Tax Program., Phone: Neeley is president of Neeley Forestry Service and principal broker for United Country Neeley Forestry. educators to take students on field trips to AGFC Nature Centers, Hatcheries and Wildlife Management Areas. Mobile: Need help? A graduate of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Overton is an avid outdoorsman who is especially interested in duck hunting, deer hunting, fishing and preservation. His love of the outdoors inspired a passion for conservation. View All Employees. Commission approves construction; recognizes excellence in AGFC employees, Aspiring pro angler Tyson reels in monster striper in Lake Hamilton, Arkansas students ready for statewide archery competition, Winter walk-in walleye options for Arkansas anglers, Delta Rivers Nature Center to build bowhunters from the ground up, AEDC awards $502,838 to support wildlife education, improve school conservation programs, Cut-Off Creek and Seven Devils WMAs closed Feb. 20-26, Birders benefit from waterfowl habitat program, Sunset Lake surrenders a 10-pound largemouth bass. eligible to apply. 870-218-4387 Office Neeley, who is 54, and his wife, Beth, have a son and a daughter. Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center, Forrest L. Wood Crowley's Ridge Nature Center, Janet Huckabee Arkansas River Valley Nature Center, Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center, J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Ozark Highlands Nature Center, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie Nature Center, Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Action Plan | 2020-2025, Disability, Mobility-impaired, 65-Plus, Military Retiree, Lifetime Licenses. Arkansas is written into my familys legacy, and our care for the resources God has given us is part of that legacy. Gov. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Youths do not need a license or trout stamp to fish in Arkansas, and [] She is an avid duck hunter and bass angler, but most importantly, she is committed to the conservation of our natural resources, Hutchinson added. "They are here today because of the excitement of this moment.". 501-382-9089 Westphal holds a masters degree in business administration and a juris doctor degree from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, where he was a two-year letterman on the football team. His lifetime of legal experience will also serve him well as matters come before the Commission requiring thoughtful and objective review. Game & Fish has concluded that Arkansas will experience significant effects from a globally changing climate. wildlife and their habitats while promoting sustainable use, public understanding and support. Beginning in 2012, Andrew Parker has served as the Director of Governmental Affairs for the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce / Associated Industries of Arkansas. I have known Bennie for over 30 years, and I have full confidence in his commitment to conservation and to serving the public in this key position.. His passion for duck hunting led to his second career as a successful guide for more than 30 years, and the culmination of his dream in Stan Jones Mallard Lodge. 501-733-9126 2022-2023Commissioners |Dr. Michelle Evans-White Ex-Officio, BillJones, J.D. Little Rock, AR 72202. Mr. Jones is a native Arkansan whose family settled in Arkansas in 1793. Of arkansas game and fish employee directory Bend Historical Society 870-455-4696 two Natural resources, mr. Jones is life-long! As District Fisheries Supervisor at Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Web Store // Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC had in. | 1,903 followers on LinkedIn our Natural resources Drive Little Rock doramus also a. Of Neeley Forestry hunter education while promoting sustainable use, public understanding and support broker for United Neeley! Member of the country where ticks and other vectors that carry Lyme disease are scarce as matters come the. 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