[57] Drrfeld, a friend of Hss, denied knowing about it.[58]. The forced sale price was way below the actual market value: 100,000 square meter property for 3,000 Reichsmark. I can usually hide what I'm thinking just by not going out in public. Now in her early 70s, she has been fighting for compensation and an apology from the German drug manufacturer, Bayer. Farben and Krupp trials", "Elimination of German Resources for War", "Die Entflechtung der I.G. [70] All were cleared of the first count of waging war. After the end of the second world war, IG Farben is liquidated by George Soros; rebranded as Moderna. Faucsist, Gates, Soros, Epstein, Moderna, IG Farben(who made the gas that the Na Through a series of acquisitions over the years, Bayer. It was the manufacturer of the Zyklon-B gas used to kill people in the concentration camps. As of 2012[update] it still existed as a corporation in liquidation.[90]. In this context, 18 U.S. Code 1002 makes it illegal to manufacture or possess false . More than 1,500 individuals and about 100 German groups have signed this platform. Farben from Anilin to forced labor by Jrg Hunger and Paul Sander). IG Farben is infamous for its mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. The idea was that the inmates would be shaved and showered while their clothes were being fumigated. Otto Bayer discovered the polyaddition for the synthesis of polyurethane in 1937,[5] and three company scientists became Nobel laureates: Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius in 1931 "for their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods",[6] and Gerhard Domagk in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". Many of the medications caused the victims to vomit or have bloody diarrhoea. All defendants who were sentenced to prison received early release. In addition to this there were generally bad sanitary circumstances in the laboratories. According to a DW report here , IG. The IG (Interessengemeinschaft, syndicate or, literally, community of interests), partly patterned after earlier U.S. trusts, grew out of a complex merger of German manufacturers of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and dyestuffs (Farben). The judges were Curtis Grover Shake (presiding), James Morris, Paul M. Hebert, and Clarence F. Merrell as an alternate judge. On April 14, 1941, in Ludwigshafen, Otto Armbrust, the IG Farben board . During World War II, Bayer was part of a consortium called IG Farben that made the Zyklon B pesticide used in Adolf Hitler's gas chambers. Otto Bayer discovered the polyaddition for the synthesis of polyurethane in 1937. IG Farben went into liquidation in 1952 ( here ). Sign up and be the first to find out the latest news and articles about what's going on in the medical field. Allied Control Council. [20] The three major firms had also integrated upstream into the production of essential raw materials, and they began to expand into other areas of chemistry such as pharmaceuticals, photographic film, agricultural chemicals and electrochemicals. Dr. Anthony Fauci obtained a medical degree from Cornell Universitys Medical College in 1966, where he graduated first of his class ( here ). "the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression and invasions of other countries; "committing war crimes and crimes against humanity through the plunder and spoliation of public and private property in countries and territories that came under German occupation; "committing war crimes and crimes against humanity through participating in the enslavement and deportation for slave labor of civilians from German-occupied territories and of German nationals; "participation in a common plan or conspiracy to commit crimes against peace". Plandemic - Indoctornation is the most banned documentary of all time, yet it is the most viewed film in all of human history. [65] On 30 November 1945 Allied Control Council Law No. IG (Interessengemeinschaft) stands for Association of Common Interests: The IG Farben cartel included BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. The SS physician Dr. Hoven testified to this during the Nuremberg Trial: It should be generally known, and especially in German scientific circles, that the SS did not have notable scientists at its disposal. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. The whole thing smells like a Greta Thunberg Jim Jones cult. Coalition against BAYER-dangers (Germany) [citation needed], In 2001 IG Farben announced that it would formally wind up its affairs in 2003. Farbenindustrie AG byla nmeck chemick prmyslov konglomertn spolenost. Moderna Inc. was founded over four decades later, in 2010 in Cambridge, Massachusetts ( here ), by Derrick Rossi, Robert Langer, Kenneth R Chien, and venture capitalist Noubar Afeyan ( here , here , here ). Moderna began its late-stage human trials on Monday in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Five smaller firms, Agfa, Cassella, Chemische Fabrik Kalle, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron and Chemische Fabrik vorm. www.CBGnetwork.org [63], The Americans seized the company's property under "General Order No. Moderna Inc. has no link to IG Farben No, Massachusetts-based biotech company Moderna Inc. does not trace its lineage to Germany. [51], Peter Hayes compiled the following table showing the increase in Zyklon B ordered by Auschwitz (figures with an asterisk are incomplete). [65], In the Western occupation zone, the idea of destroying the company was abandoned as the policy of denazification evolved,[10] in part because of a need for industry to support reconstruction, and in part because of the company's entanglement with American companies, notably the successors of Standard Oil. When the conglomerate was dismantled, Soros was a teenager. Farbenindustrie A.-G. [t.j. bez medzery pred G] alebo I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G.. Po druhej svetovej vojne sa koniec nzvu psal novm pravopisom AG a niekedy sa aj vynechvali bodky na zaiatku nzvu, v dsledku oho sa cel nzov niekedy uvdzal ako IG Farbenindustrie AG. Of course all of the Farben people knew what was going on. Held from 1947 to 1948 as one of the subsequent Nuremberg trials, the IG Farben trial saw 23 IG Farben directors tried for war crimes and 13 convicted. "GEORGE SOROS FOUNDED MODERNA" The claim falsely alleges that George Soros ran German conglomerate IG Farben, "broke it up" and then founded Moderna. Wake up people! [73] Those who served prison sentences included: Agfa, BASF and Bayer remained in business; Hoechst spun off its chemical business in 1999 as Celanese AG before merging with Rhne-Poulenc to form Aventis, which later merged with Sanofi-Synthlabo to form Sanofi. [46], For one experiment, which tested an anaesthetic, Bayer had 150 women sent from Auschwitz to its own facility. However, we were unable to obtain conclusive results because they died during the experiments. The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to seven years in prison. After the Nuremberg trials, companies like BASF and Bayer were formed from the splintered monolith. In mid-2020, the American biotechnology company Moderna received prominent news coverage about their efforts to develop a vaccine to deal with the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic. [63] As the Red Army approached Auschwitz in January 1945 to liberate it, IG Farben reportedly destroyed the company's records inside the camp,[64] and in the spring of 1945, the company burned and shredded 15 tons of paperwork in Frankfurt. Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com. Throughout that decade it purged itself of its Jewish employees; the remainder left in 1938. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. 9, "Seizure of Property owned by I.G. The purpose of a corporation's continuing existence, being "in liquidation", is to ensure an orderly wind-down of its affairs. I. G. Farbenindustrie AG (German for 'Dye industry syndicate stock corporation'), commonly known as IG Farben (German for 'IG Dyestuffs'), was a German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate.Formed in 1925 from a merger of six chemical companiesBASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm. (In 2010, Forbes debunked here the notion that Epstein was a billionaire and said he was likely worth a fraction of that.). Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. 18. Finally, the video claims Epstein, the billionaire financier who died in prison while awaiting a trial for sex-trafficking charges, was a major. I was just one of thousands of children treated in this way. [26][pageneeded], Hoechst and several pharmaceutical firms refused to join. Also see .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}"Law No. www.verfassungen.de. [12][13] One of its subsidiaries supplied the poison gas, Zyklon B, that killed over one million people in gas chambers during the Holocaust. I.G. When I first traveled to meet her in July 2002, she was angry that she had been ignored for so long by the authorities managing the compensation fund set up by German industry and the German government. He enrolled at Harvard University in 1973, seven years after Dr. Fauci graduated from Cornell, and dropped out to co-found Microsoft Corp ( www.gatesnotes.com/Bio ). 08/19/2011. In 1947 the American government put IG Farben's directors on trial. [5] Several IG Farben scientists were awarded a Nobel Prize. IG Farben's main component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. More on the history of the RFID technology is visible here . Please prepare for us 150 women in the best health possible () , Received the order for 150 women. So it is no wonder that unexperienced reader finds today lots of surprises in hidden parts of IG Farben history. On one occasion they complained about the stench of the burning bodies. Although cartels were attempted, they lasted at most for a few years. Neither were production or distribution facilities consolidated nor did the commercial staff cooperate. Fumigation took place within a closed room, but it was a slow process, so Degesch recommended building small gas chambers, which heated the gas to over 30C and killed the lice within one hour. With Moderna (IG Farben) now responsible for over 4000 deaths, and the number of evidence of a scam piling up faster than the bodies, it's time the guilty parties got addressed. The IG Farben plant's workforce consisted of slave labour from Auschwitz, leased to the company by the SS for a low daily rate. Takto se postupovalo i pi zkouen lk na tuberkulzu, antibakterilnch i hormonlnch ppravk a dalch. Farbenindustrie A.G. und die Grndung der Nachfolgegesellschaften", "The pharmaceutical industry and the German National Socialist Regime: I.G. They want us all to die so they wont have to pay out so much money, Zoe says. (Read: Rath Foundation. Read more about the companys history ( here ). False. I.G. My research finds that the breakup increased innovation activity in postwar Germany. Moderna raised even more the next year. (Excerpt from I.G. We need some 150 women () We confirm your approval of the agreement. So now you've got Bill Gates, you've got Anthony Fauci, you've got George Soros, all involved in this whole Moderna thing. The Nazi chemicals giant IG Farben used forced labor and made poison gas. [14] IG Farben executives did visit Auschwitz but not Auschwitz II-Birkenau, where the gas chambers were located. Let's just look at three recognizable symbols and unmask the truth! The victorious Allied powers seized IG Farben's surviving assets and split the firm up into smaller constituent companies. Liquidation Conclusion Law,[67] naming IG Farben's legal successor as IG Farbenindustrie AG in Abwicklung (IGiA)[68] ("I.G. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. People are eating pesticide and insecticide and looking to MDs to fix their self-inflicted health detriment, all while they keep eating weed killer and bug killer food. please send an e-mail for receiving the English newsletter Keycode BAYER free of charge. [a] These companies continued to operate as an informal cartel and played a major role in the West German Wirtschaftswunder. However, few people are aware that Auschwitz was a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben. ( here ). The Company's remaining assets are marketable securities and . Unethical human experiments are a major threat to vulnerable populations everywhere including in the US where, for example, the EPA is seeking to conduct pesticide exposure experiments on children. 9" (PDF). I.G. The first such patent was taken out in 1973 by Mario Cardullo, and the patent number provided in the message text (US2006257852) actually points to a patent related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus rather than any RFID technology. As many of you heard Moderna is in stage 3 of their vaccine testing. IG Farben's products included synthetic dyes, nitrile rubber, polyurethane, prontosil, and chloroquine. The Nazis dissolved the Jewish Community of Uerdingen in 1942. [44], Staff of the Bayer group at IG Farben conducted medical experiments on concentration-camp inmates at Auschwitz and at the Mauthausen concentration camp. [b][15], The Allies seized the company at the end of the war in 1945[a] and the US authorities put its directors on trial. [6] Gerhard Domagk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". The demons admit that when the Moderna "vaccine" became responsible for massive death, that this also was funny to them. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. [217] Bayer head Carl Duisberg personally propagated the concept of forced labour during WW1. . During a trip to the United States in the spring of 1903, he had visited several of the large American trusts such as Standard Oil, U.S. Steel, International Paper and Alcoa. Im Gegenteil: Die Konzernleitung steuerte Hitlers Aufstieg sogar entgegen, wich von der offi-6 David Abraham, The Collapse of the Weimar . The loss of the war didn't derail that plan. A $450 million funding round in 2015 was a record for the biotech industry. Moderna, Inc is a biotech company ( www.modernatx.com/ ) that has received nearly $1 billion from the U.S. government to develop its coronavirus vaccine. It was no coincidence that IG Farben built their giant new plant in Auschwitz, since the workforce they used (altogether about 300.000 people) was practically for free. Medical Experiments in Auschwitz Conducted by I.G. IG Farben is a name you should know from your trips to the Holocaust museum. IG Farben sloen lku dle upravovali, nebo s vsledkem samozejm nebyli spokojeni. [31] The IG Farben Building, headquarters for the conglomerate in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, was completed in 1931. Now you have the chance to watch the entire film here on StopWorldControl.com. They were chemical and drug companies. At that time, internet users were circulating a bit of text tying Moderna to infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Hungarian-born financier George Soros, and American financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, figures who previously had all been the subjects of various baseless conspiracy theories. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. Three major firms BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, produced several hundred different dyes. In 1938 the company had 218,090 employees. Omissions? [218] The company placed itself under a large burden of guilt due to its heavy involvement in the planning, preparation and implementation of both . After the war, Zoe married and settled in Scotland. Bill Gates. The indictment was filed on 3 May 1947; the trial lasted from 27 August 1947 until 30 July 1948. [4] IG Farben scientists made fundamental contributions to all areas of chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry. The remaining property, worth DM21 million (6.7 million or 10.7 million), went to a buyer. This is my conclusion, after 30 years of investigating criminal medical behavior, including mass murder. Archived from the original on 14 March 2007. One of the most prominent ones was the German chemical and drug company IG Farben, which had a factory complex near Monowitz (the slave labor camp at Auschwitz) and actually housed the IBM facilities there. The 21 st century has seen two notable trends: "Big . Within weeks of the authorities being contacted by the BBC, Zoe received a cheque for a little over 2,000 from the German compensation fund. Following several later mergers the main successor companies are Agfa, BASF, Bayer and Sanofi. He was released after serving only four years. Let that sink in. Learn more about it here. In the Auschwitz files, correspondence between the camp commander and Bayer Leverkusen was discovered. (Case VI)", "The Devil's Chemists on Trial: The American Prosecution of I.G. The movement toward association had begun in 1904, with the merger of Hoechst and Cassellaa merger that immediately prompted a rival merger by BASF and Bayer, later joined by Agfa. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. David Mikkelson founded the site now known as snopes.com back in 1994. Both vaccines do an impressive job of providing protection against COVID-19. Most were quickly restored to their directorships and other positions in post-war companies, and some were awarded the Federal Cross of Merit. In a letter to his colleagues about the negotiations, IG Farben director Otto Ambros wrote that "our new friendship with the SS . [54] Hrlein became chair of Bayer's supervisory board. It is hard to accept that after the war the companies were allowed to keep IG Farbens entire property, whereas the surviving slave workers received nothing. When the German company came into allied control at the end of World War II and was dissolved in 1945, that would have been the summer George Soros turned 15 years old. As almost all its assets and all its activities had been transferred to the original constituent companies, IG Farben was from 1952 largely a shell company with no real activity. The test preparations were not only applied to those prisoners who were ill, but also to healthy ones. If this is acceptable to you, the women will be placed in our possession. Farben became involved in experimental programmes using patients from the Nazi regime's euthanasia programmes and healthy subjects recruited without their consent from concentration camps, on whom various pharmacological substances were tested, including sulfamide and arsenical . This gave Farben the opportunity to identify people with certain skills, primarily skills needed for the construction of certain buildings in Monowitz." . A spokesperson told the BBC: Between 1925 and 1952, no company named Bayer existed, neither as a subsidiary of IG Farben nor as any other legal entity. Born in Hungary in 1930, Soros and his Jewish family lived in Budapest during the Nazi occupation. October 5, 2022. ilbusca via Getty Images. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Despite their macerated condition they were considered satisfactory. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. [10] When World War II began, it was the fourth largest corporation in the world and the largest in Europe. However, there is an important . The four largest quickly bought the smaller ones. (NaturalNews) The year is 2014, and bio-agriculture on planet Earth is deteriorating nutrition and health in general. Verfassungen der Welt. In 1926 IG Farben had a market capitalization of 1.4 billion (equivalent to 6 billion 2021 euros) and a workforce of 100,000, of which 2.6 percent were university educated, 18.2 percent were salaried professionals and 79.2 percent were workers. [87], On 10 November 2003 its liquidators filed for insolvency,[88] but this did not affect the existence of the company as a legal entity. The last generation of Holocaust survivors and their children express their concerns about current events A Five-Part, FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Childrens Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability, Copyright 2023 Alliance for Human Research Protection, Auschwitz: 60 Year Anniversary the Role of IG Farben-Bayer, Rath Foundation. And who was the primary stockholder of Moderna until his death? I.G. Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention. [a], IG Farben was once the largest company in Europe and the largest chemical and pharmaceutical company in the world. His grave in Krefeld has a meter-high wreath on it donated by BAYER in recognition of his services. Pharmaceuticals. You have to drink the Kool Aid , by law! She had campaigned for 28 years but received nothing. Three of the many companies which joined were BASF . The text linking Moderna with all of these public figures and implying they were involved in some nebulous but nefarious plot appeared to have been a completely tongue-in-cheek spoof of groundless conspiracy theories, but many readers who skimmed it at least wondered if it might have at least some substance to it: As many of you heard Moderna is in stage 3 of their vaccine testing. Dr. Anthony Fauci is not listed in Modernas board of directors ( here ), scientific advisory board ( here ) nor its managements team ( here ). "[48], Between 1942 and 1945 a cyanide-based pesticide, Zyklon B, was used to kill over one million people, mostly Jews, in gas chambers in Europe, including in the Auschwitz II and Majdanek extermination camps in German-occupied Poland. (Cassella at first held out and was not absorbed by IG Farben until 1937.). More than one billion people saw part one! It was not the IGs intention to bring any of this out in the open, but rather to put up a smoke screen around the experiments so that () they could keep any profits to themselves. The claim falsely alleges that George Soros ran German conglomerate IG Farben, broke it up and then founded Moderna. Until today Bayer, BASF and Hoechst did not pay any wages to their former workers. Now suffering from cancer, she is a remarkably cheerful woman whose home in a quiet suburb is punctuated with laughter from her jokes and tears from her memories. The Rockefeller Foundation (RF) operates out of New York City and was first established by John D. Rockefeller, Sr. in 1913. Aerial photograph of Auschwitz, June 1944, showing the IG Farben plant, Peter Hayes (2001): "[I]t was Zyklon B, a granular vaporizing pesticide, that asphyxiated the Jews of Auschwitz, and a subsidiary of IG, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Schdlingsbekmpfung MbH (German Vermin-Combating Corporation), or Degesch, that controlled the manufacture and distribution of the Zyklon. (19471948), also known as the IG Farben trial, was the sixth of 12 trials for war crimes the U.S. authorities held in their occupation zone in Germany (Nuremberg) against leading industrialists of Nazi Germany. Corrections? Orders to that effect again are to be given to the leading German gentlemen so that there may be no misunderstanding in their execution. Spolenost byla zaloena v roce 1925 spoleenstvm hlavnch firem, kter spolupracovaly ji od 1. svtov vlky. Phamaceutical business history, Vera Sharavs documentary Never Again is Now Global now available. Farben and pharmacological research", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=IG_Farben&oldid=1141892514, Percentage of production ordered by Auschwitz, Joined supervisory board of the Bunawerke Hls GmbH, Supervisory board member, manager of IG Farben Auschwitz, Supervisory board member, head of fuel sector at IG Farben Auschwitz, Board member for Deutsche Gasolin AG, Feldmhle, and Papier- und Zellstoffwerke AG; consultant and board member for Ruhrchemie AG Oberhausen, President, Deutsch-Ibero-Amerikanische Gesellschaft, Chair of the board of a chemistry firm in, Board member, head of IG Farben's Upper Rhine Business Group, IG Farben board chair and led the reestablishment of. Thing smells like a Greta Thunberg Jim Jones cult to forced labor by Hunger! Cartel and played a major role in the West German Wirtschaftswunder aware Auschwitz. 1002 makes it illegal to manufacture or possess false Seizure of property owned by I.G the many companies which were... 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Alleges that George Soros ran German conglomerate IG Farben until 1937. ) for 3,000.... Of you heard Moderna is in stage 3 of their vaccine testing companys history ( here ) August until. Hungary in 1930, Soros was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG is..., is to ensure an orderly wind-down of its Jewish employees ; the trial lasted from 27 August 1947 30... You, the Americans seized the company 's property under `` General Order.! Following several later mergers the Main successor companies are Agfa, Cassella, Chemische Fabrik vorm and who the..., denied knowing about it. [ 58 ], kter spolupracovaly ji od 1. svtov vlky upravovali, s. Produced several hundred different dyes of human history articles about what 's going on in the world and! Were formed from the German drug manufacturer, Bayer and Sanofi apology from the German drug manufacturer, and! ; t derail that plan Die Entflechtung der I.G concept of forced labour during WW1 ] 30... 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